Experimental Research on the Mechanical Properties of the Forged Barrel in the Thickness Direction
Received:August 19, 2020  
中文关键词: 身管  精锻工艺  热处理  力学性能
英文关键词: barrel  precision forging process  heat treatment  mechanical properties
Author NameAffiliation
FAN Hong-wei School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China 
XU Bao-chi School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China 
FAN Li-xia School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China 
YANG Chen School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China 
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      目的 针对传统身管材料30SiMn2MoVA,研究精锻工艺和热处理工艺对身管壁厚方向力学性能的影响。方法 采用线切割方式沿身管内表层、中间层和外表层分层取样,通过拉伸实验和胀形实验,分别获取身管材料经精锻成形工艺后壁厚方向纵向力学性能和横向力学性能的变化规律,同时获得残余应力对锻后身管壁厚方向力学性能的影响。结果 身管毛坯壁厚方向各层材料力学性能基本相同,精锻后内表层材料强度性能明显高于中间层和外表层,外表层和中间层伸长率要高于内表层;去应力后,身管材料强度性能和伸长率基本得到恢复,但横向伸长率恢复不明显。结论 精锻工艺对身管材料内表层的强度性能提升最大,同时塑性消耗也最大,锻后热处理工艺能使身管强度性能得到恢复,提高身管材料的纵向伸长率。
      The work aims to study the effect of precision forging process and heat treatment process on the mechanical properties of the barrel wall thickness direction in traditional barrel material 30SiMn2MoVA. The wire cutting method was adopted to sample the inner surface, middle layer and outer surface of the barrel in layers. Tensile test and bulging test were used to obtain the longitudinal and transverse mechanical properties of the barrel material after the precision forging process. The effect of residual stress on the mechanical properties of the forged barrel in the thickness direction was also obtained. The mechanical properties of each layer of the barrel blank wall thickness direction were basically the same. After precision forging, the material strength of the inner surface layer was significantly higher than that of the middle layer and the outer surface layer, and the elongation rate of the outer surface layer and the middle layer was higher than that of the inner surface layer. The strength performance and elongation of the material were basically restored after de-stressing, but the recovery of the transverse elongation was not obvious. The precision forging process improves the strength performance of the inner surface of the barrel material the most, and at the same time, its plastic consumption is also the largest. The heat treatment process after forging can restore the strength of the barrel and increase the longitudinal elongation of the barrel material.
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