Influence of Crystallization Fraction on the Thermoplastic Forming Performance of Ti-based Metallic Glass Composites
Received:September 03, 2020  
中文关键词: 非晶复合材料  等温晶化  晶化体积分数  热塑性成形
英文关键词: metallic glass composite  isothermal crystallization  crystallization volume fraction  thermoplastic forming
Author NameAffiliation
XU Yong-kang State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die &
Mould Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
DING Hua-ping State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die &
Mould Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
CHEN Ji State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die &
Mould Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
GONG Pan State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die &
Mould Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
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      目的 研究晶化分数对原位晶化钛基非晶复合材料热塑性成形能力的影响,优化Ti基非晶复合材料的制备和设计。方法 首先采用电弧熔炼和铜模铸造制备出成分为Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6和Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6的非晶合金,通过连续加热DSC及等温DSC研究其晶化动力学,然后根据得到的等温晶化规律制备不同晶化体积分数的非晶复合材料,并通过静态热机械分析(TMA)表征其热塑性成形能力。结果 Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6在406 ℃与411 ℃时,等温晶化过程为形核率随时间增大的形核长大过程;Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6在370,375,380,385 ℃时,等温晶化过程为形核率随时间减小的形核长大过程;XRD物相分析表明,等温处理后Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6和Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6的析出相分别为β-Ti和α-Ti2Zr;两种内生复合材料的热塑性成形能力均随晶化相体积分数的增大而降低,且Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6基体复合材料的热塑性成形能力比以Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6为基底的复合材料更好。结论 晶化分数增加会降低钛基非晶复合材料的热塑性成形性能,且其影响程度与复合材料的基体和晶体第二相的特性有关。
      The work aims to study the effect of crystallization fraction on the thermoplastic forming performance of in-situ crystalline titanium-based metallic glass composites, to optimize the preparation and design of Ti-based metallic glass composite. First, Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6 and Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6 metallic glasses were prepared via arc melting and copper mold casting. Their crystallization kinetics were studied by continuous heating DSC and isothermal DSC tests. Then, according to the obtained crystallization rules, metallic glass composites with different crystallization volume fractions were prepared. And their thermoplastic forming abilities were characterized via static thermomechanical analysis (TMA). During the isothermal crystallization process of Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6 at 406 ℃ and 411 ℃, the nucleation rate increased with time. However, during the isothermal crystallization of Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6 at 370, 375, 380, 385 ℃, the nucleation rate decreased over time. XRD results showed that the precipitated phases of Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6 and Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6 after isothermal treatment were β-Ti and α-Ti2Zr, respectively. The thermoplastic forming performance of the two in-situ composites decreased with the increase of volume fraction of the crystallization phases, and the thermoplastic forming performance of Ti45Zr20Be29Fe6- based composites was better than that of Ti45Zr20Be29Cu6 based composites. The increase of crystallization fraction reduces the thermoplastic forming performance of the titanium-based metallic glass composites. Its degree of effect is related to the characteristics of the matrix and the second crystal phases of the composites.
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