Constitutive Model Evaluation of SPRC340S Metal at Different Strain Rates
Received:September 05, 2020  
中文关键词: 应变率  应变率强化模型  参数标定  试验对比
英文关键词: strain rate  strain rate hardening model  parameter calibration  experimental comparison
Author NameAffiliation
SHANG Hong-chun School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
WU Peng-fei School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
LOU Yan-shan School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
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      目的 为了确保高速变形下有限元分析的可靠性,选用合适的本构模型去描述材料在不同应变率下的力学特性。方法 针对SPRC340S钢在不同应变率下的硬化行为,评估了6个常用应变率强化模型的准确性,评估的应变率强化模型包括Johnson-Cook模型、Modified Khan-Huang模型、Modified Johnson-Cook模型、Lim-Huh模型和Zerilli-Armstrong模型。通过较大应变率范围内的试验数据对所研究的模型参数进行标定,采用标定后的模型预测了不同应变率下的硬化曲线。结果 发现误差最大的模型为ZA(FCC)模型,预测误差达到1.1682;预测精度最高的模型为Lim-Huh模型,误差只有0.0024。结论 结合模型的结构特征与结果对比讨论,发现Lim-Huh模型最适用于表征SPRC340S金属材料的应变率硬化特性。
      The work aims to select suitable constitutive model to describe the mechanical properties of materials at different strain rates to ensure reliable numerical analysis of high-speed transformation. This paper evaluated the accuracy of six well-known strain rate hardening models at different strain rates for the description of dynamic hardening behavior of SPRC340S steel. Strain-rate hardening models evaluated in this study included Johnson-Cook model, modified Khan-Huang model, modified Johnson-Cook model, Lim-Huh model and Zerilli-Armstrong model. The model parameters were calibrated by experimental data in a wide range of strain rates. With the calibrated parameters, the hardening models predicted the hardening curves at different strain rates. The prediction error of the ZA (FCC) model was 1.1682, which was the model with the largest error; the prediction error of the Lim-Huh model was only 0.0024, which was the model with the highest prediction accuracy. The comparison between the architectural feature and result of models shows that the Lim–Huh model is most suitable to characterize the strain rate hardening characteristics of SPRC340S metal.
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