Database System of Hot Stamping Process for Ultra High Strength Steel
Received:May 25, 2020  Revised:September 10, 2020
中文关键词: 数据库  超高强钢  热冲压
英文关键词: database  ultra-high strength steel  hot stamping
Author NameAffiliation
JIA Guang-bin 1. State Key Lab of Advanced Forming Technology and Equipment, China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100044, China 
SUN Fu-zhen 1. State Key Lab of Advanced Forming Technology and Equipment, China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100044, China 
ZHANG Quan-da 1. State Key Lab of Advanced Forming Technology and Equipment, China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100044, China 
LIU Chi-zhen 2. Yantai Lingyun Automotic Industry Technology Co., Ltd., Yantai 264006, China 
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      目的 解决超高强钢热冲压工艺参数多且参数调整范围大,造成热冲压工艺设计难度大的问题。方法 以微软SQL Server数据库和ASP.Net Core为平台,通过Visual Studio C#集成开发环境进行B/S(浏览器/服务器)架构程序开发。结果 实现了集成普通板、补丁板、拼焊板、软硬分区板、不等厚板、其他板共6类板材,15种零件类型,以及相关的零件信息、产品要求、制造工艺、材料属性、供应商、产线、设备等7类数据信息的超高强钢热冲压工艺信息化管理系统软件。结论 该系统实现了超高强钢热冲压工艺数据录入与存储,多种数据信息相互关联、按需检索与联合查询以及用户管理和维护功能,为国内超高强钢热冲压工艺技术研究与产品开发提供系统架构参考。
      To solve the problem that the hot stamping process of ultra-high-strength steel has many parameters and the parameter adjustment range is large, which makes it difficult to design the hot stamping process, B/S (Browser/Server) architecture program was developed through the Visual Studio C# integrated development environment with Microsoft SQL Server database and ASP.Net Core as the platforms. Six types of plates like ordinary board, patch board, tailor-welded board, soft and hard partition board, unequal thickness board, and other boards, and 15 types of parts with 7 types of data information such as part information, product requirements, manufacturing processes, material attributes, suppliers, production lines and equipment were realized in the database system for hot stamping process of ultra-high-strength steel. The system realizes the input and storage of ultra-high-strength steel hot stamping process data, correlation, on-demand retrieval and joint query of a variety of data information, as well as user management and maintenance functions, providing a system for domestic ultra-high strength steel hot stamping process technology research and product development architecture reference.
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