Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Back Pressure Forming of New Energy Vehicle 4032 Aluminum Alloy Scroll
Received:February 29, 2020  Revised:September 10, 2020
中文关键词: 涡旋盘  背压挤压  数值模拟  金属流动  外圈
英文关键词: scroll  back pressure extrusion  numerical simulation  metal flow  outer ring
Author NameAffiliation
SHI Ying-bin 1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
XUE Shi-bo 1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
2. Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China 
DUAN Yuan-pei 2. Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China 
SHI Wen-chao 1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
XUE Ke-min 1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 探究新能源汽车空调压缩机涡旋盘静盘成形技术及成形过程,解决新型涡旋盘外圈充填不满的缺陷问题。方法 采用背压挤压与闭式挤压结合的工艺方案,利用有限元技术对成形过程进行数值模拟分析,然后结合物理实验对工艺可行性进行验证。结果 获得了成形过程中金属流动规律、载荷变化曲线、应力应变分布和实际成形样件,并将终锻过程分为3个阶段:第1阶段主要是成形涡旋基底;行程到达30%时进入第2阶段,第2阶段成形外圈和涡旋部分,外圈金属流动较涡旋部分金属流动更快,外圈成形完整;行程到达84%时进入第3阶段,成形涡旋的中间部分。终锻过程中,涡旋根部由于形变量较大,存在应力集中现象。终锻快结束时,外圈已经充满,顶部应力增大。结论 成形中预锻的外圈保证了金属的充填,成形完整,成形工艺可行,“两步法”成形可以获得质量良好的涡旋盘。
      The work aims to investigate the forming technology and forming process of the scroll static plate of the air conditioner compressor of the new energy automobile and to solve the problem of unsuccessful filling of the outer ring of the new scroll. The back pressure extrusion and the closed extrusion technology were combined. Numerical simulation analysis of the forming process was carried out. Then the physical feasibility was verified by physical experiments. The metal flow law, the load change curve, the distribution of stress and strain and the actual forming samples were obtained. And the final forging process was divided into three stages: the first stage was mainly forming the scroll base; the second stage was reached when at 30% of the stroke reaches, which was forming the outer ring and the scroll part. The metal flow in the outer ring was faster than metal flow in scroll and the forming of the outer ring was completed. When the stroke reached 84%, it entered the third stage, which mainly formed the middle part of the scroll. In the final forging process, due to the large deformation at the root of the vortex, there was a phenomenon of stress concentration. At the end of the final forging, the outer ring was already full and the top stress increased. In conclusion, the pre-forged outer ring ensures the metal filling, forming process is feasible. The “Two-step” forming can obtain good quality scroll.
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