Effects of Al and Mn Elements on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-2.5Sn-3.5Ca Alloy
Received:June 30, 2020  Revised:September 10, 2020
中文关键词: 镁合金  动态再结晶  第二相  力学性能  强韧化
英文关键词: Mg alloys  dynamic recrystallization  second phase  mechanical properties  strengthening and toughening
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(U1610253, 51971053);兴辽英才计划(XLYC1808038);中央高校基本科研业务费项目(N2002011);辽宁省-沈阳材料科学国家研究中心联合基金(2019JH3/30100040)
Author NameAffiliation
PAN Hu-cheng Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
WU Hua-jian Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
CHENG Ren-shan Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
KANG Rui Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
LI Jing-ren Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
XIE Dong-sheng Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
QIN Gao-wu Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
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      目的 研究Mg-Sn-Ca-Al系合金的力学性能与微观组织之间的关系,以期开发一种新型的高性能、低成本的非稀土镁合金材料。方法 在非稀土Mg-2.5Sn-3.5Ca合金中添加Al和微量Mn元素,制备出了Mg-2.5Sn-3.5Ca-xAl合金(x=1,5;分别标注为TXA341,TXA345)以及Mg-2.5Sn-3.5Ca-5Al-0.5Mn合金(标注为TXAM3450),并对其铸态、均匀化态以及挤压态合金的微观组织与力学性能进行系统研究。结果 TXA345合金兼备高的强度和优良的塑性,其屈服强度、抗拉强度和塑性分别为~340 MPa,~350 MPa,~9.6%;TXAM3450合金表现出更高的屈服强度(~360 MPa)和抗拉强度(~375 MPa),但是其塑性仅有~3.5%;TXA341合金的屈服强度、抗拉强度和塑性分别为~215 MPa,~298 MPa,~4.3%。高Al含量的TXA345合金表现出较高屈服强度,是由于合金内部形成了高密度的G.P.区,并直接导致其再结晶晶粒可细化至~0.8 μm。继续在TXA345合金的基础上添加微量的Mn元素,TXAM3450合金内G.P.区的析出密度继续提高,并且会伴有条带状Al2Ca微米第二相的出现,因此其屈服强度进一步升高,然而该条带状微米相在室温下的塑性较差,因此直接导致TXAM3450合金低的伸长率。结论 相关结果对于设计高强塑兼备的非稀土变形镁合金具有较好的指导意义,为非稀土镁合金在结构材料中的广泛应用提供了可能。
      This paper aims to systematically study the relationship between the mechanical properties and microstructure of Mg-Sn-Ca-Al alloys, to develop a new high-performance, low-cost RE- free magnesium alloy. In this work, the microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-2.5Sn-3.5Ca-xAl (x=1, 5; denoted as TXA341, TXA345,) and Mg-2.5Sn-3.5Ca-5Al- 0.5Mn (denoted as TXAM3450) alloys in the as-cast, homogenization and as-extruded states with of different amounts of Al and trace Mn additions were systematically studied. The results showed that the TXA345 alloy had high strength and excellent ductility, and its yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and ductility were ~340 MPa, ~350 MPa and ~9.6%, respectively. TXAM3450 alloy exhibited a higher yield strength (~360 MPa) and tensile strength (~375 MPa), but its ductility was only ~3.5%. The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and ductility of TXA341 alloy were ~215 MPa, ~298 MPa and ~4.3%, respectively. The TXA345 alloy with high Al-content displayed the higher yield strength, which should be related with the high-density G.P. zones, and directly caused the recrystallization grain to be refined to ~0.8 μm. When adding a trace amount of Mn to the TXA345 alloy, the density of G.P. zones in TXAM3450 alloy continued to increase, which was also accompanied with the existences of a strip-shaped Al2Ca micron-phase. In this context, the strength continued to increase. However, the plasticity of the micron-phase was poor at room temperature, which directly led to the low elongation of TXAM3450 alloy. The relevant results can provide important guidance for the designing of rare-earth-free Mg wrought alloy with both high strength and plasticity. It is a great possibility for the wide application of RE-free magnesium alloys in structural materials.
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