Research and Application of Scrap Recycling in Sunroof Frame of Vehicle
Received:June 02, 2020  Revised:July 10, 2020
中文关键词: 天窗框架  同步工程  废料利用  产品开发
英文关键词: sunroof frames  simultaneous engineering  scrap recycling  product development
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yi-fan SAIC MAXUS Automotive Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200438, China 
CEN Yi-fan SAIC MAXUS Automotive Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200438, China 
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      目的 研究汽车车顶天窗框架冲压零件中间废料的利用方法,以减少浪费,降低车身成本。方法 在产品设计、工艺规划及模具开发阶段,借助冲压成形虚拟分析软件,分析零件的成形性和可利用废料的大小,选取合适的零件,合理利用窗框废料并设计开发模具。结果 利用废料同步成形及废料回收再利用这两种天窗框架废料再利用方式均能实现应用,并取得了良好的经济效益。结论 通过冲压同步工程,可以在产品开发和工艺规划时,选择合适的产品,利用好天窗框架废料,实现精益设计和精益制造,满足降低成本的要求。
      The paper aims to reduce material waste and body cost through the study on the use of scraps of stamping parts of vehicle sunroof frame. In the stage of product design, process planning and die development, the formability of parts and the size of available scrap were analyzed with the forming virtual simulation software and appropriate parts were selected to reasonably use the scraps of sunroof frames, design and develop dies. The results showed that two different ways of scrap recycling of sunroof frame-synchronous forming of scrap and recycling of scrap can be used, and good economic benefits have been achieved. Proper products can be selected in product development and process planning through simultaneous engineering of stamping, to make good use of the scrap of sunroof frame, realize lean design and lean manufacturing, and meet the requirements of cost reduction.
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