An Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Identification of Ship Cabins Based on CAE Model
Received:January 08, 2020  Revised:July 10, 2020
中文关键词: 舱室  封闭空间识别  三维建模  计算机辅助设计
英文关键词: cabin  closed space identification  3D modeling  computer aided design (CAE)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Zhi-bing 1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
YANG Ming-run 1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
WANG Li-rong 2. China Classification Society Technology R & D Center, Beijing 100007, China 
CHEN You-fang 2. China Classification Society Technology R & D Center, Beijing 100007, China 
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      目的 研究开发可高效、准确、自动识别CAE船舶舱室的算法。方法 通过设计网格拓扑关系和分析舱室的几何特征,基于半边半面结构,提出了半面封闭空间概念,实现了半面扩展算法。利用半面扩展算法,设计了全船CAE模型的舱室自动识别算法。结果 设计的CAE舱室自动识别算法高效、准确,识别包含约33万个CAE单元的18万t大型散货船CAE模型中的所有舱室,仅耗时4 s。结论 算法应用于实际工程中,验证了算法的高效性和准确性。该算法本质上是对三维模型中封闭空间的识别,未来可应用于各类三维网格建模系统中。
      The paper aims to research and develop an efficient, accurate and automatic identification algorithm for CAE ship cabin. Through design of topological relationship of a mesh and analysis on geometric characteristics of a cabin, based on the half-edge and half-face structure, the concept of half-face closed space was proposed, and the half-face expansion algorithm was realized. The algorithm of cabin automatic identification for whole ship CAE model was designed by the half-face expansion algorithm. An efficient and accurate automatic identification algorithm of CAE cabin was realized. It only took 4 s to identify all the cabins in the CAE model of 180,000 ton bulk carrier, which contained about 330,000 CAE units. The efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm are verified by its application in practical engineering. This algorithm is essentially to identify the closed space in 3D model, and it can be expected to be used in various 3D mesh modeling systems in the future.
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