强化研磨微纳加工参数对轴承套圈滚道表面硬度的影响 |
Influence of Strengthen Grinding Micro-nano Machining Parameters on Surface Hardness of Bearing Ring Raceway |
Received:May 14, 2020 Revised:July 10, 2020 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2020.04.013 |
中文关键词: 强化研磨 加工参数 轴承套圈 表面硬度 |
英文关键词: strengthen grinding machining parameter bearing ring surface hardness |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFB2000501-03);国家自然科学基金(U1601204,51975136);广东省重点领域研发计划(2019B090917004);广东省科技计划(2016A010102022,2017A010102014);广东省科技专项资金(2019B020404);广东省高等学校重点领域专项(2019KZDZX1009);广东省高等学校科技创新团队项目(2017KCXTD025);广州市教育系统创新学术团队项目(1201610013) |
Author Name | Affiliation | XIAO Jin-rui | a. School of Mechanical & Electric Engineering b. Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Machining of Metal Material c. Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Centre for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Micro-nanomachining, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China | LIU Xiao-chu | a. School of Mechanical & Electric Engineering b. Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Machining of Metal Material c. Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Centre for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Micro-nanomachining, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China | LIANG Zhong-wei | a. School of Mechanical & Electric Engineering b. Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Machining of Metal Material c. Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Centre for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Micro-nanomachining, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China | HUANG Jian-feng | a. School of Mechanical & Electric Engineering b. Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Machining of Metal Material c. Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Centre for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Micro-nanomachining, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China | GAO Wei-lin | a. School of Mechanical & Electric Engineering b. Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Machining of Metal Material c. Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Centre for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Micro-nanomachining, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 探明不同加工参数对加工表面平均硬度的影响规律。方法 用强化研磨微纳加工技术对6012深沟球轴承内圈滚道表面进行强化处理,通过设置不同的喷射压力、加工时间、喷射角度及钢珠配比获得加工试样。采用洛氏硬度计分别检测加工前后套圈滚道表面硬度,并分析其随各参数变化的规律。结果 加工时间为5 min,喷射角度为45°,喷射压力为0.4~0.6 MPa时,表面硬度随喷射压力的增大而增大,0.6 MPa后维持在HRC61.60附近;喷射压力为0.6 MPa,喷射角度为45°,加工时间为1~5 min时,表面硬度及其增量随时间增加而增大,其后在HRC61.50附近徘徊;喷射压力为0.6 MPa,加工时间为5 min,喷射角度为35°~55°时,试样表面硬度及其增量先减小后增大,喷射角度达50°后,表面硬度达最大值HRC63.45;钢珠配比则对试样表面硬度影响不大,加工所得试样在HRC61.67~HRC61.80之间。结论 试样表面硬度及其增量随喷射压力、加工时间及喷射角度的增加而增加,且受加工时间影响最大。当加工时间为5 min,喷射压力为0.6 MPa,喷射角度为50°时,可获得较高的平均表面硬度。 |
英文摘要: |
This work aims to explore the effects of machining parameters on the average hardness of the processed surface. The surface of 6012 deep groove ball bearing inner ring raceway was processed by strengthen grinding with different jet pressure, processing time, jet angle and ratio of steel ball. Rockwell hardness tester was used to measure the surface hardness of specimens before and after machining. And the variation rules with each parameter were analyzed. The results showed that the surface hardness increased with the increase of the jet pressure, when the machining time, jet angle and jet pressure were 5 min, 45° and 0.4-0.6 MPa, respectively. And it remained around HRC61.60 after 0.6 MPa. Furthermore, the surface hardness increased with the increase of machining time, when the jet pressure, jet angle and machining time were 0.6 MPa, 45° and 1 min to 5 min, respectively, and then it hovered around HRC61.50. The surface hardness of the sample decreased first and then increased when the jet pressure was 0.6 MPa, the processing time was 5 min and the jet angle was 35° to 55°. After the jet angle reached 50°, the surface hardness reached a maximum value of HRC63.45. The ratio of steel ball had little influence on the surface hardness of the samples. And the surface hardness of samples machined with different ratios of steel ball was between HRC61.67 and HRC61.80. It is concluded that the surface hardness and the increment of the samples increased with the increase of jet pressure, processing time and jet angle. High surface hardness can be obtained with the machining time of 5 min, the injection pressure of 0.6 MPa and the jet angle of 50°. |
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