The Application of S-07 Steel in High Pressure Gas-filled Valve Core
Received:December 04, 2019  Revised:May 10, 2020
中文关键词: 阀芯  S-03钢  渗氮  S-07钢
英文关键词: valve core  S-03 steel  nitriding  S-07 steel
Author NameAffiliation
HEI Ai-qing Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
DENG Quan-de Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
GAO Bin Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
XI Chang-liang Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
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      目的 解决高压充气阀S-03钢渗氮阀芯生产过程中周期长、合格率低、渗氮层开裂和贮存过程中锈蚀及方向漏率超标等问题。方法 结合S-03钢渗氮阀芯工艺流程,分析其生产及贮存过程中存在的问题,并提出由S-07钢替代S-03钢渗氮工艺,从防锈、硬度和强度3个方面进行两种材料特性理论分析,同时进行耐蚀性试验、功能性试验、力学环境试验和寿命试验考核。结果 S-03钢渗氮阀芯经历湿热试验20 d后,出现轻微锈蚀,盐雾试验96 h后,锈蚀严重,而同条件下的S-07钢阀芯无锈蚀。S-07钢阀芯经过了功能性试验,x,y,z这3个方向的力学环境试验,动作200次的寿命考核试验后,动作灵活,功能测试合格。结论 充气阀阀芯完成了S-07钢替代工艺研究,成功解决了影响充气阀功能的阀芯锈蚀问题和渗氮层开裂问题,同时使生产效率提高了约70%,生产成本降低了约50%。
      The paper aims to solve the problems of long cycle, low qualification rate, cracking of nitriding layer, corrosion and reverse leakage rate in production of S-03 steel nitriding valve core of high pressure gas-filled valve. Combined with the technological process of S-03 steel nitriding valve, the problems existing in its production and storage process were analyzed. It was proposed to replace the nitriding process of S-03 steel with that of S-07 steel. The properties of two materials were theoretically analyzed from rust resistance, hardness and strength; at the same time, rust resistance test, functional test, mechanical environment test and life test were evaluated. After 20 days of damp-heat test, the S-03 steel nitriding valve core was slightly corroded; while after 96 h of salt spray test, the corrosion was severe; while the S-07 steel valve core was free from corrosion under the same condition. The S-07 steel valve core passed the functional test, the mechanical environment test in x, y and z directions, and the 200 times of life assessment test. The valve core was flexible and qualified in the functional test. The study on replacement technology of S-07 steel for the valve core is completed; the corrosion and nitrification layer cracking that affect the function of the valve is successfully solved; and the production efficiency is improved by about 70%, and the production cost is reduced by about 50%.
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