Low-pressure Plasma Spraying Technology and Its Research Status
Received:April 10, 2020  Revised:May 10, 2020
中文关键词: 低压等离子喷涂  热障涂层  燃料电池  太阳能  半导体
英文关键词: low-pressure plasma spraying  thermal barrier coating  fuel cell  solar energy  semiconductor
Author NameAffiliation
HONG Min 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
WANG Shan-lin 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
CHEN Yi 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
DENG Ying 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
GUO Zheng-hua 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
CHEN Wei-min 2. Guangzhou Xianyi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511400, China 
WU Ji-si 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
HUANG Yong-de 1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Aerospace Component Forming and Connection, Nanchang 330063, China 
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      As a thermal spraying technology, low-pressure plasma spraying technology can produce a cleaner, denser, and higher bonding strength coating than traditional atmospheric plasma spraying technology and vapor-phase physical deposition. The principle, classification and characteristics of low-pressure plasma spraying were mainly introduced and the generation and development of low-pressure plasma spraying were reviewed. Compared with plasma spraying, ultra-low-pressure plasma spraying and plasma spray deposition, the low-pressure plasma spraying technology was analyzed for its unique advantages in preparing coating. The domestic and foreign research and application of low-pressure plasma spraying technology in the preparation of thermal barrier coatings, fuel cells, solar energy, semiconductors and other fields were further described and the development was prospected. It was also pointed out that the key development direction of low-pressure plasma spraying technology in the future was the in-depth study on the plasma spray flame and the mechanism of the material substrate, as well as the combination with other cutting-edge technologies.
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