Optimal Design and Analysis of Boiler Water Preheater Tube Plate
Received:January 15, 2020  Revised:May 10, 2020
中文关键词: 预热器  管板  有限元法
英文关键词: preheater  tube plate  the finite element method
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yan-qin a. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China 
DING Chang b. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China 
WU Chao a. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China 
ZHANG De-hai a. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China 
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      目的 对锅炉给水预热器的管板进行结构优化设计及有限元分析。方法 首先通过给定设计参数计算出管板的厚度及受力分析,进而明确管板的结构设计确定主要参数,利用SolidWorks软件建立管板的三维分析模型,并用Ansys软件进行管板应力应变分析及温度场的分析,按标准方法计算4种工况下管板应力、壳程筒体的轴向应力以及换热管的轴向应力,同时采用JB/T 4732的方法对管板与筒体的应力进行评定,采用GB/T 151的方法对换热管的轴向应力、拉脱应力进行评定。结果 该预热器能够在给定工况下安全运行。结论 采用的设计方法为锅炉给水预热器管板的结构性能优化提供了理论依据和判定标准。
      This paper aims to perform structure optimization design and finite element analysis of boiler water preheater tube plate. First, the thickness of the tube plate was calculated and the force analysis was carried out with given design parameters, and then the structure design of the tube plate was made clear to determine the main parameters. The SolidWorks software was used to establish three-dimensional analysis model of tube plate; and the Ansys software was used to analyze stress, strain and temperature field of the tube plate. Finally, the stress of the tube plate, the axial stress of the cylinder and the heat exchange tube under four working conditions were calculated according to the standard method. At the same time, the stress of tube plate and barrel body was evaluated by JB/T 4732 method, and the axial stress and pull stress of the heat exchange pipe were evaluated by GB/T 151. The results show that the preheater can operate safely under a given operating condition. The design method provides theoretical basis and judgment standard for the structural performance optimization of boiler feed water preheater tube plate.
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