Demand and Prospect for Lightweight Structural Components in Automotive Industry
Received:April 30, 2020  Revised:May 10, 2020
中文关键词: 汽车轻量化  汽车子系统  轻质合金  成形工艺
英文关键词: automotive lightweight  automotive sub-systems  light alloys  manufacturing process
Author NameAffiliation
HU Bin General Motors China Science Lab, Shanghai 201206, China 
Hits: 2979
Download times: 2388
      With the advent of the 2.0 era of the automotive industry, the design and manufacture of automotive components has undergone tremendous changes, and the requirements on lightweight vehicles have been further improved. This article introduced the current applications and trends of the main lightweight structural parts in the key sub-systems of automobile. In terms of current light alloys used in structural components, the application of aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys in lightweight structural components were introduced. At the same time, the trends and requirements of lightweight materials used in automotive structural parts was introduced. Subsequently, the main manufacturing processes of lightweight structural components in the automotive sub-systems were reviewed, and typical components were introduced. Finally, it was expected to further improve and extend the applications of lightweight materials in automotive structural parts.
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