Apparent Viscosity of Semi-solid Slurry of Aluminum-matrix Composites Containing Nano-SiC Particles
Received:February 22, 2020  Revised:May 10, 2020
中文关键词: 纳米颗粒  铝基复合材料  表观粘度  半固态  流变性
英文关键词: nano-particles  al-matrix composite  apparent viscosity  semi solid  rheology
Author NameAffiliation
WU Shu-sen State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
LU Kang State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
LI Jian-yu State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
YUAN Du State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
LYU Shu-lin State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
GUO Wei State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
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      目的 研究纳米颗粒增强铝基复合材料熔体表观粘度的变化规律。方法 利用同轴旋转圆筒法试验研究了SiCp含量变化及熔体温度变化对纳米SiCp/Al-5Cu和纳米SiCp/A356两种复合材料表观粘度的影响,并回归分析得出数学模型。结果 随着纳米SiCp的添加量在0~2%(质量分数)范围内增加,复合材料的表观粘度相比于基体合金会迅速增加,添加量达到2%时,复合材料表观粘度最高,并且提升幅度最大。基体合金(添加量为0)与添加量为2%时的纳米SiCp/Al-5Cu复合材料,在720 ℃的表观粘度分别为0.46 Pa•s和1.73 Pa•s,相比基体合金,复合材料的表观粘度提升了279%。结论 随着温度的降低,同一复合材料熔体浆料的表观粘度会迅速上升。基体合金和复合材料处于半固态时的表观粘度差异相比液态时变小。
      This work aims to study the change of apparent viscosity of aluminum matrix composite melt reinforced by nanoparticles. The influences of SiCp content change and melt temperature change on the apparent viscosity of nano-SiCp/Al-5Cu and nano-SiCp/A356 composites were studied by the coaxial rotating cylinder method, and the mathematical model was obtained by regression analysis. The results showed that with the increase of nano-SiCp content in the range of 0-2% (mass fraction), the apparent viscosity of the composites increased rapidly compared with that of the matrix alloy. When the content reached 2% (mass fraction), the apparent viscosity of the composites was the highest; and the increase range was the largest. The apparent viscosity of the matrix alloy and 2% (mass fraction) nano-SiCp/Al-5Cu composite at 720 ℃ was 0.46 Pa•s and 1.73 Pa•s, respectively. Compared with the matrix alloy, the apparent viscosity of the composite was increased by 279%. With the decrease of temperature, the apparent viscosity of the same composite melt slurry will increase rapidly. The apparent viscosity difference between the matrix alloy and the composite in the semi-solid state is smaller than that in the liquid state.
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