Research Progress of Copper Alloy Semi-solid Rheological Forming and Preparation Technology
Received:April 28, 2020  Revised:May 10, 2020
中文关键词: 半固态  铜合金  流变成形  浆料制备
英文关键词: semi-solid  copper alloy  rheological forming  slurry preparation
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Wen-jing Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 
XING Shu-ming Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 
Hits: 3149
Download times: 2307
      Semi-solid metal forming has a history of nearly 50 years and attracted much attention due to its processing advantages and market value. Many processing methods have been developed, among which the semi-solid rheological forming process has a good development prospect for its high efficiency and low cost. As the melting point of copper alloy is generally high, there are few researches on its semi-solid process. In this paper, the research progress of semi-solid rheological preparation technology for copper alloy was briefly reviewed, including the process of each new process, the selection of optimal process parameters and the mechanism of the process; and the existing problems of each process were analyzed. The new progress of the rheological preparation process model and its mechanism of semi-solid state were described, and the development trend was analyzed and prospected. It is considered that the future research direction of semi-solid rheological forming technology includes new preparation method of semi-solid slurry, new semi-solid alloy and semi-solid structure evolution mechanism as well as their control methods.
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