基于数字散斑相关方法的VCM深冲钢板力学性能评价 |
Mechanical Performance Evaluation of VCM Deep-impact Steel Plate Based on Digital Speckle Correlation Method |
Received:January 14, 2020 Revised:March 10, 2020 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2020.02.006 |
中文关键词: VCM深冲钢板 数字散斑相关方法 力学性能 变形 |
英文关键词: VCM deep-impact steel plate digital speckle correlation method mechanical property deformation |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11602229);河南省科技攻关项目(202102210087) |
Author Name | Affiliation | ZHANG Zhi-cheng | 1. Sino-Russian Institute, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China | CONG Yi-bo | 2. Henan University Minsheng College, Kaifeng 475001, China | GUO Zhao-can | 3. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China | ZHANG De-hai | 3. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 针对VCM深冲钢板各组分材料在变形过程中很难达到屈服和破坏的同步,材料很容易在附加应力的作用下沿薄弱方向产生失效乃至断裂的问题,研究在外加及内在因素影响下材料的变形机理和变形过程。方法 采用数字散斑相关方法对VCM深冲钢板及其组分材料的力学性能进行研究。引入偏离系数、影响系数、梯度系数来计算VCM深冲钢板及其组分材料之间的关系,获取试样拉伸过程中三维变形的几何数据。结果 得到了VCM深冲钢板及其组分材料的抗拉强度、弹性模量、上屈服强度、最大力下总伸长率和断后伸长率,其中,深冲基板影响系数达到2.582,影响最小的是最大力下总伸长率,影响系数为0.806。通过XJTUDIC系统检测并分析获得了x和y方向的位移值、应变值和最大主应变值。结论 增加VCM薄膜后,VCM深冲钢板的应力应变能力有所提高,VCM薄膜最大应变值为91.632%,深冲基板最大应变值为40.068%,VCM深冲钢板的最大应变值为41.632%,其力学性能介于深冲基板和VCM薄膜力学性能之间。 |
英文摘要: |
Because it is difficult for the components of VCM deep-impact steel plate to achieve the same yield and failure in the process of deformation, the material is likely to suffer from failure and even fracture along the weak direction under the effect of additional stress. The paper aims to study the deformation mechanism and process under the influence of external and internal factors. The mechanical properties of VCM deep-impact steel plate and its constituent materials were studied by means of digital speckle correlation method. The deviation coefficient, influence coefficient, gradient coefficient were introduced to calculate the relationship between VCM deep-impact steel plate and its constituent materials, the three dimensional deformation in the process of tensile sample geometry data were obtained. The tensile strength, elastic modulus, upper yield strength and the most vigorously under the total elongation and break elongation of the VCM deep-impact steel sheet and its constituent materials were obtained. The influence coefficient of the deep-drawing substrate was 2.582, the influence coefficient of the total elongation was 0.806, which was the minimum. Through the detection and analysis of the XJTUDIC system, the displacement value, strain value and maximum principal strain value in the x and y directions were obtained. It was concluded that the stress and strain capacity of VCM deep-impact steel plate is improved after increasing the VCM film. The maximum strain value of VCM film is 91.632%; the maximum strain value of deep-impact substrate is 40.068%; and the maximum strain value of VCM deep impact steel plate is 41.632%. Its mechanical properties are between deep impact substrate and VCM thin film. |
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