Process Optimization of Ti/Al Lamination by Non-equal Channel Lateral Co-extrusion
Received:November 12, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2020
中文关键词: 钛铝复合板  共挤压  数值模拟  正交实验  信噪比
英文关键词: Ti/Al lamination  co-extrusion  numerical modeling  orthogonal experiment  signal-to-noise-ratio
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Kai School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
XUE Xin School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
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      目的 优化钛铝复合板非等通道横向共挤压成形工艺,以得到最优界面结合工艺参数。方法 采用DEFORM-3D软件对钛合金Ti6Al4V和铝合金AA1050双金属非等通道横向共挤压过程进行数值建模,结合正交实验设计和信噪比法,研究工艺参数对金属流动均匀性和最大挤出力的影响。结果 通过信噪比得到平均速度相对偏差和最大挤出力的最优工艺组合均为:挤压速度1 mm/s,挤压温度480 ℃;通过方差分析发现,工艺参数对平均速度相对偏差的显著性影响明显低于最大挤出力;采用最优工艺组合的挤压参数进行物理实验,结果验证了钛铝复合板的翘曲变形程度与模拟结果较好吻合。结论 钛铝复合板共挤压过程中高温低速模式有助于增大挤压材料的流动均匀性,减小其翘曲变形的程度,同时有助于减小共挤压过程中的最大挤出力。通过对钛铝复合板共挤压工艺的优化,为异种合金材料制备提供科学有效的指导。
      This paper aims to obtain an optimum process parameter for Ti/Al lamination by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion. The co-extrusion of bimetal Ti6Al4V and AA1050 was numerically modeled based on DEFORM-3D software. The effects of process parameters on the uniformity of metal flow and the maximum extrusion force were investigated through orthogonal experimental design and signal-to-noise-ratio method. Based on the simulation results, the optimal key process parameters associated with the relative average velocity deviation and the maximum extrusion force were obtained, i.e., the extrusion speed was 1 mm/s and the extrusion temperature was 480 ℃. According to the variance analysis, the significant influence of process parameters on the maximum extrusion force was obviously greater than that on the relative average velocity deviation. The experimental validation with the optimal process parameters showed that the experimental bending distortion of the extruded bimetal lamination was in a good agreement with the simulation result. The process type of “high-temperature-low- speed” is helpful for the metal flow uniformity and the mitigation of extrusion-induced distortion. In addition, it is also helpful to decrease the maximum extrusion force during co-extrusion. The optimization of co-extrusion of Ti/Al lamination provides an scientific and effective guideline for preparation of dissimilar bimetal alloys.
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