Forming Quality of Fillets during Spinning Forming of Internal and External Gear-Shaped Parts
Received:December 12, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2020
中文关键词: 内外齿形件  旋压成形  过渡圆角  饱和度  DEFORM-3D
英文关键词: internal and external gear-shaped parts  spinning forming  transition fillet  saturation  DEFORM-3D
Author NameAffiliation
WU Min-hui 1. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
XU Xiao 1. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
XIA Qin-xiang 1. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 
CHENG Xiu-quan 2. Guangzhou Civil Aviation Vocational and Technical College, Guangzhou 510403, China 
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      目的 研究离合器毂旋压成形时不同参数对过渡圆角处填充效果的影响规律。方法 使用DEFORM-3D软件对内外齿旋压成形过程进行数值模拟,采用正交实验分析了预制坯壁厚、预制坯内径、芯模与预制坯之间的摩擦因数和旋轮与预制坯之间的摩擦因数对旋压成形时材料流动的影响,以轴截面的内齿过渡圆角饱和度Sr作为评定指标,获得最优工艺参数组合。结果 4个成形参数对材料流动的影响程度为:预制坯壁厚影响最大,其次是预制坯内径,摩擦因数对轴截面的内齿过渡圆角饱和度影响不明显。由正交试验结果获得最优工艺方案为:预制坯壁厚为2.4 mm,预制坯内径为153.2 mm,芯模与预制坯间的摩擦因数为0.06,旋轮与预制坯间的摩擦因数为0.06,可获得最好的圆角填充效果。结论 通过改变预制坯壁厚和预制坯内径,可以有效提高旋压成形内外齿形件过渡圆角处的填充效果。
      The paper aims to study the influence of different parameters on the filling effect at the transition fillet during spinning of clutch hub. DEFORM-3D software was used in numerical simulation of spinning forming of inside and outside teeth; and the orthogonal experiment was carried out to analyze the influences of the wall thickness, inner diameter of precast block and the friction factor between the core mold and preformed blank as well as that between the rotary wheel and the preformed blank on material flow in spinning forming. With shaft section of inner gear transition fillet saturation Sr as evaluation index, the optimal process parameters combination were obtained. The influence degree of the four process parameters was as follows: the thickness of workpiece wall had the greatest influence, followed by the inner diameter of workpiece; and the friction factor had no obvious influence on the saturation of the inner tooth transition corner of the axial section. According to the orthogonal test results, the optimal process scheme was 2.4 mm of wall thickness, 153.2 mm of inner diameter, 0.06 of friction factor between core mold and preformed blank, 0.06 of friction factor between rotary wheel and preformed blank, and the best filling effect of fillet can be obtained. By changing the wall thickness and inner diameter of the preformed blank, the filling effect of the transition round corner of the inner and outer teeth can be improved effectively.
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