Effect of Power Density on Penetration Depth and Microstructure in Laser Welding Joint of DP590 Steel
Received:December 25, 2019  Revised:January 10, 2020
中文关键词: DP590钢  激光焊接  CFD模拟  焊缝组织及熔深
英文关键词: DP590 steel  laser welding  CFD simulation  penetration depth and microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Xu Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
ZHANG Lin-jie Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
NA Suck-Joo Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
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      目的 研究相同热输入(功率/速度)下激光功率密度(功率/光斑面积)变化对焊缝熔深及组织的影响。方法 在保持热输入不变的条件下,对不同功率下1.8 mm厚的DP590钢板进行光纤激光焊接试验,在光学显微镜下检测不同条件下的熔深,在扫描电镜下观察不同条件下的焊缝组织。然后,采用FLOW-3D软件对不同条件下焊接熔池/小孔行为与激光能量吸收进行了计算研究。结果 随着功率密度的增加,焊缝熔深总体不断递增,但在速度为0.055 m/s和0.065 m/s时突变。结论 通过模拟发现,匙孔吸收的能量影响了焊缝熔深变化。同时,焊缝冷却速率随着焊缝吸收能量的增加而降低,使得焊缝区马氏体组织大小出现差异。
      The paper aims to study the influence of laser power density under the same heat input per unit length on penetration depth and microstructure of welding joint. Under the condition of keeping the same heat input, 1.8 mm thick DP590 plates were tested through fiber laser welding. The microstructure and properties of the welding joint were analyzed with optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. The behavior of keyhole and the absorbed energy in the process of laser welding under different conditions were calculated and researched with FLOW-3D software. The results shown that, the weld penetration depth increased continuously with the increase of power density; but when the welding speed was 0.055 m/s and 0.065 m/s, it changed suddenly. According to the simulation results, it is found that the energy absorbed by the keyhole affects the penetration depth. Meanwhile, the cooling rate of welding joint decreases with the increase of energy absorbed, resulting in the difference in the size of martensite structure in the weld zone.
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