Effects of Loading Conditions and Temperature Fields on Warm Hydroforming of 5A06 Aluminum-magnesium Alloy
Received:April 15, 2019  Revised:July 10, 2019
中文关键词: 铝镁合金  温热介质充液成形  有限元模拟  加载条件  温度场
英文关键词: Al-Mg alloy  warm hydroforming  FEM  loading conditions  temperature field
Author NameAffiliation
SHAO Tian-wei 1. Technical Center, AECC Shenyang Liming Aero-engine Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110136, China 
LANG Li-hui 2. Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
ZHAO Xiang-ni 2. Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
SHENG Si-jia 2. Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
ZHANG Yu 3. Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China 
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      目的 探究液室压力和拉深速度以及温度场分布规律对成形性能的影响。方法 在通用有限元软件MSC.Marc中建立5A06铝镁合金温热介质充液成形有限元模拟的专用平台,对典型零件温热介质充液成形进行有限元模拟。结果 在液室压力为5 MPa、拉深速度为5 mm/s的情况下成形效果最好,最佳温度场分布为凹模与板料温度250 ℃、凸模温度20 ℃、压边圈温度300 ℃,在此条件下,凸模直径为100 mm时极限拉深深度可达到161.4 mm。结论 液室压力和拉深速度以及温度场的分布对成形性能有着显著影响。
      The paper aims to explore effects of liquid chamber pressure, drawing speed and temperature field distribution on forming properties. A special finite element simulation platform for warm hydroforming of 5A06 Al-Mg alloy was set up in general finite element software MSC.Marc to simulate warm hydroforming of typical parts. The forming effect was the best when the liquid chamber pressure was 5 MPa and the drawing speed was 5 mm/s. The optimum temperature field distribution was 250 ℃ for the die and sheet, 20 ℃ for the punch, and 300 ℃ for the bead ring. When the punch diameter was 100mm, the ultimate drawing depth could reach 161.4 mm. Liquid chamber pressure, drawing speed and temperature field distribution have significant impacts on the formability.
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