Review on the Thermal Distortion in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Received:June 06, 2019  Revised:July 10, 2019
中文关键词: 增材制造  温度场  变形  数值模拟
英文关键词: additive manufacturing  temperature field  distortion  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
XIE Rui-shan a. Department of Mechanical Engineering
b. State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 
CHEN Gao-qiang a. Department of Mechanical Engineering
b. State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 
SHI Qing-yu a. Department of Mechanical Engineering
b. State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 
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      Metal additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) is thought as one of the most promising technologies in manufacturing at the current state of the art, which has been applied in manufacturing large and complex metal components in aerospace and automotive industries, which cannot be manufactured by conventional methods. However, one of the critical bot-tlenecks faced by this technology is thermal distortion, which would influence the dimensional precision and even lead to cracking and unavailability of parts. This paper first introduced the main experimental methods for studying thermal distortion behaviors. Laser displacement sensor and digital image correlation method were thought as effective methods for studying transient distortion. Then the numerical simulation method for distortion prediction was introduced. It is clarified that the heat source model, thermal boundary conditions and mechanical properties of the material were the main factors affecting the prediction accuracy. Finally, the research progress and development trend of the high efficient distortion prediction methods were summarized and reviewed.
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