Effect of Stationary Shoulder on Welding Temperature and Stress during Friction Stir Welding Investigated by Numerical Simulation
Received:April 02, 2019  Revised:May 10, 2019
中文关键词: 搅拌摩擦焊  数值模拟  温度场  应力场
英文关键词: friction stir welding  numerical simulation  temperature field  stress field
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Jing-lin Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China 
LYU Zan Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China 
CHEN Ke-peng Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China 
HANG Zi-xuan Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China 
CUI Can Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China 
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      目的 研究外部辅助静止轴肩对搅拌摩擦焊接过程温度场以及应力场的影响。方法 建立有限模型并采用热机耦合的方法分析常规与静止轴肩辅助工艺下7075-T6铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接过程,得出不同工艺下的焊接温度与应力分布状态。对比常规与静止轴肩工艺下的温度与应力结果,得出静止轴肩对焊接过程中温度与应力的影响规律。结果 焊缝横截面的高温区域均呈现出上宽下窄的碗型分布。相比于常规工艺,静止轴肩辅助工艺的焊缝区域温度具有上升速度较慢、下降速度较快的特点,且温度峰值低了55.7 ℃。静止轴肩具有随焊碾压的作用,在焊接过程中为焊缝区域提供一个额外的压应力,抵消焊接过程中产生的拉应力,焊后残余应力降低了17.4%。结论 静止轴肩辅助工艺对焊缝区域的温度峰值以及残余应力峰值的降低均具有明显效果。
      The paper aims to study on effects of external stationary shoulder on temperature and stress fields during friction stir welding process. A finite element model was set up and the thermal-mechanical coupled numerical simulation method was employed to analyze the welding process of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy under conventional and external stationary shoulder pro-cesses. Temperature and stress distributions were obtained under different welding processes. Effects of stationary shoulder on welding process were obtained by comparing the results of temperature and stress fields under conventional and external stationary shoulder processes. The high temperature region of the cross-section presented a bowl-shaped distribution of wide upper and narrow lower. Compared with the conventional process, temperature of stationary shoulder process had the characteristics of slower rise and faster drop rates, and the value of peak temperature in the weld was reduce by 55.7 ℃. Moreover, stationary shoulder had the effect of synchronous rolling. An external suppress stress was added to the weld, which could reduce the tensile welding stress produced in the welding process. The addition of stationary shoulder can reduce the peak residual stress by 17.4%. The peak values of temperature and residual stress in the weld area can be reduced by external stationary shoulder.
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