Forming Springback and Compensation of Auto Girder
Received:April 01, 2019  Revised:May 10, 2019
中文关键词: AutoForm软件  回弹补偿  汽车纵梁
英文关键词: AutoForm software  springback compensation  auto girder
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Wen-jie 1. Anhui Fuda Auto Mould Co., Ltd., Hefei 230031, China 
LEI Sheng 2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China 
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      目的 分析某型汽车纵梁的结构特点和冲压工艺性,并根据实际生产经验、条件制定多步成形工艺方案。方法 借助AutoForm有限元软件对零件进行冲压成形模拟,有效防止成形缺陷的形成,降低模具形成的风险。对于高强度钢纵梁在成形后具有较大回弹的情况,使用迭代回弹补偿方法来补偿模具的回弹。在此基础上,根据回弹补偿后的模具型面设计并加工模具。结果 经过多次回弹补偿,零件的最大回弹由补偿前的13 mm减小至±0.5 mm以内,回弹补偿效果较为显著。结论 此回弹补偿方法具有可行性并具有指导工程应用的价值。
      This paper aims to analyze structural characteristics and stamping technology of an auto girder, and formulate a multi-step forming process scheme according to the actual production experience and conditions. The stamping process of the parts was simulated with the AutoForm finite element software to avoid defects and decrease development risks of the die. For serious springback of girder of high strength steel part after deformation, the multiple iterations spring-back compensation was applied to compensate the springback of the die. On this basis, the mold was designed and processed according to die face design after springback compensation. After several times of springback compensation, the maximum springback of the parts decreased from 13 mm before compensation to within 0.5 mm. The springback compensation effect was obvious. The springback compensation method is feasible and valuable for engineering application.
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