Dimensional Accuracy on Matching Areas of Vehicle Doors by Optimizing Hemming Process
Received:April 10, 2019  Revised:May 10, 2019
中文关键词: 机器人滚压包边  车门匹配尺寸  滚边压入角  TCP-RTP距离
英文关键词: roll hemming of robot  door dimensional variation  hemming angle  TCP-RTP distance
Author NameAffiliation
YU Kui 1. State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
ZHAO Shun-wang 2. Technical Center of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Wuhan 430058, China 
LIU Yu-qi 1. State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
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      目的 研究滚边工艺参数对车门包边缩进量的影响,提升轿车车门区域的尺寸匹配精度。方法 通过建立滚边压入角、TCP-RTP距离与车门包边缩进量的数学模型,得出了不同滚边压入角、TCP-RTP距离与包边缩进量的相互关系,提出了优化滚边工艺参数补偿车门钣金在冲压、焊接过程中的尺寸偏差的方法。在此基础上,结合改善某车型右后门与侧围间隙平行差的实例,计算了后门滚边压入角、TCP-RTP距离对应的包边缩进量,并与实际结果进行对比分析。结果 滚边压入角θ越大,滚边后板件缩进量越大;TCP-RTP距离越大,滚边缩进量越小。结论 提出的优化滚边压入角或TCP-RTP来实现板件滚边缩进量增大或减小的方法,能够在不更改模具的基础上提升车门外观匹配区域的质量。
      The paper aims to study the influences of hemming parameters on dimensional variation of door to improve the matching accuracy of the vehicle doors. By setting up a mathematics model for the door roll in variation, hemming angle and TCP-RTP distance, the relationship among hemming angle, TCP-RTP distance and roll in variation was attained. And a method of improving the door dimensional accuracy to compensate the variation of the pressing and welding process was proposed. After that, in combination with an example of solving the gap parallelism between the rear door and the side panel, the roll in variation of the hemming angle and TCP-RTP distance was calculated and compared with the actual result. The roll in variation was enlarged with the increase of the hemming angle θ and decreased with the increase of the TCP-RTP distance. By optimizing the hemming angle and TCP-RTP distance to increase or decrease the roll in variation, the dimensional quality of vehicle door matching area can be improved without die modification.
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