Materials and Annealing Processes for Lightweight Tubular Torsion Beams
Received:February 10, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2019
中文关键词: 扭转梁  贝氏体  超高强钢  液压成形
英文关键词: torsion beam  bainite  ultra-high strength steel  hydroforming
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU Shu Technical Center, Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200122, China 
CHEN Rong Technical Center, Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200122, China 
XU Pei-yao Technical Center, Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200122, China 
Hits: 4628
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      目的 针对某自主品牌高性能管状扭转梁的开发需求,确定最佳的扭力梁选材和相应的退火工艺方案。方法 采用两种不同的超高强钢材料完成了扭转梁的制管、预成形和液压成形等过程,并对成形零件进行了不同的退火工艺尝试,分析了焊管、成形件和退火件的显微组织、硬度及力学性能特征,并完成了扭转疲劳性能测试,最后对疲劳失效零件进行了失效原因分析。结果 相较于STAM690进口材料,采用国产CP800材料的扭转梁,通过退火工艺调节,在保持显微组织不变的情况下可得到最佳的综合性能,屈服和抗拉强度均达到800 MPa以上,且其伸长率达到17%以上,同时,疲劳耐久性能可达10万次以上。结论 推荐CP800材料作为高性能管状扭力梁的选材,相应的退火工艺为550 ℃,保温25 min。
      The paper aims to determine the best material and corresponding annealing process for torsion beam based on the development demands of high-performance tubular torsion beam of a certain brand. Two different ultra-high strength steels were used to complete tubulation, pre-forming and hydroforming of torsion beam. The formed parts were treated with variable annealing processes. Microstructures, hardness distribution and mechanical properties of welded tubes, formed parts and annealed parts were analyzed, and the torsional fatigue property tests were performed, together with failure analysis of fatigue samples. The results indicated that, CP800 torsion beams exhibited the similar microstructure as that of the original sheets and the best comprehensive performance compared with those beams using STAM690 sheets. With both the yield strength and the tensile strength over 800 MPa, CP800 torsion beam could obtain the elongation over 17% and the fatigue endurance over 100 000 times. Therefore, CP800 sheets are thought to be the optimal materials for high performance tubular torsion beams, together with the annealing process of isothermal holding at 550 ℃ for 25 min.
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