拉深成形对于Q&P980高强钢氢致延迟断裂影响的实验研究 |
Effects of Drawing on Sensitivity of Hydrogen Induced Delayed Facture of Q&P980 |
Received:February 12, 2019 Revised:March 10, 2019 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2019.02.014 |
中文关键词: Q&P钢 拉深系数 应力 应变 氢致延迟断裂 |
英文关键词: quenching-partitioning steel drawing coefficient stress strain hydrogen induced delayed fracture |
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中文摘要: |
目的 从整车厂应用的角度出发,基于拉深工艺,研究Q&P980高强钢的氢致延迟断裂敏感性。方法 选取1.6 mm板厚的Q&P980高强钢,进行拉深系数为0.56和0.63的两种冲杯实验,以电化学充氢结合摄像头定时拍摄的方法,并结合ABAQUS软件计算杯口应力集中处的应力和应变。结果 对于1.6 mm板厚的Q&P980高强钢,在拉深试样杯口边缘应力集中处,应力大致在900~1000 MPa范围,而应变大于等于0.32,则必然发生延迟开裂;若应变小于等于0.23,则延迟断裂敏感性较低。结论 应力和应变同时影响高强钢的氢致延迟断裂敏感性,即对Q&P 980(1. 6 mm厚度)零件,当拉深边缘应变小于0.23,则该位置氢致延迟断裂可能性低;若应力集中处残余应力达到900 MPa以上,应变达到0.3以上,则该位置氢致延迟断裂敏感性高。此结论对工程应用判断拉深零件氢致延迟断裂有一定指导意义, |
英文摘要: |
The research aims to study the hydrogen induced delayed fracture performance of Q&P980 based on drawing process from the standpoint of OEMs. Q&P980 high strength steel with a thickness of 1.6mm was selected. By two specimens with the drawing coefficient of 0.56 and 0.63, the experiment method of electrochemical hydrogenation and the simulation of ABAQUS were combined to calculate the stress and train at the stress concentrated area. For Q&P980 with a thickness of 1.6 mm, in the stress concentration area, the facture appeared when stress was among 900~1000 MPa while the strain level was not less than 0.32. However, if the strain level was lower than 0.23, the hydrogen induced delayed fracture sensitivity was low. Stress and strain affect the hydrogen induced delayed fracture sensitivity of high strength steel simultaneously: for component of Q&P980 (1.6 mm thickness), when the strain of drawing edge is lower than 0.23, the hydrogen delayed fracture sensitivity is low; while stress is higher than 900 MPa and strain is higher than 0.3, the hydrogen delayed fracture sensitivity is high. This conclusion provides guidance for judging hydrogen induced delayed fracture of drawn parts in engineering application. |
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