复相钢CP800的烘烤硬化性能研究 |
Bake Hardening Properties of Multiphase Steel CP800 |
Received:February 18, 2019 Revised:March 10, 2019 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2019.02.013 |
中文关键词: 复相钢 烘烤硬化 拉伸 力学性能 |
英文关键词: complex phase steel bake hardening stretching mechanical properties |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | GE Nan-fei | 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China | ZHANG Mei | 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China 2. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Special Steel, Shanghai 200072, China 3. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced Ferrometallurgy, Shanghai 200072, China | JIANG Yang | 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China | SONG Yi | 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China | HUANG Yu-fei | 4. R & D Center, Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 20072, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究某汽车用复相钢经过不同程度预应变再进行烘烤处理后力学性能的变化。方法 通过Zwick/Z100TEW材料万能拉伸试验机,对实验用复相钢进行不同程度的预应变,之后在170 ℃下经20 min烘烤后再次加载至拉断,比较加工硬化值、烘烤硬化值、断后伸长率及强塑积的值,揭示复相钢的烘烤硬化规律。结果 复相钢的加工硬化值与烘烤硬化值随着预应变量的增加而增大,在预应变为8%时达到应变范围内的最大值,分别为62.2 MPa与85.3 MPa;伸长率与强塑积则展现出先增加后减小的趋势,在预应变为2%时两者均达到预应变范围内的最大值,分别为19.9%与16.9 GPa?%。结论 经过预应变和烘烤处理后,复相钢的各项性能均有改变,在预应变为2%时综合性能最佳,研究结果对复相钢在汽车中的应用提供了一定的借鉴。 |
英文摘要: |
This work aims to study change of mechanical properties of complex phase steel CP800 after pre-strain of different degrees and subsequent bake-hardening. The pre-strain test and the post-BH tensile test of CP800 were carried out on Zwick/Z100TEW tensile test machine. Between pre-train and post BH, the samples were hardened by baking at 170 ℃ for 20 min. The work hardening value, bake hardening value, elongation after fracture and the strength and ductility product were calculated and compared to reveal the bake hardening trends of the CP800 steel. The bake hardening value and work hardening value of the steel increased with the increase of the pre-strain, and reached the maximum value within the strain range when the pre-strain was 8%, which were 62.2 MPa and 85.3 MPa, respectively. The elongation and the strength and plasticity product showed a tendency of increasing first and then decreasing. Both reached the peak values, say, 19.9% and 16.9 GPa?% respectively when the pre-strain was 2%. After pre-straining and bake hardening treatment, the properties of CP800 steel are changed. The best comprehensive performance is gained when the pre-strain is 2%. The results of this work have certain guiding significance for the application of complex phase steel CP800 in automotive industry. |
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