Cause of Shell Fracture
Received:December 15, 2018  Revised:March 10, 2019
中文关键词: 壳体强度  原因分析  断裂  脆性
英文关键词: shell strength  cause analysis  fracture  brittleness
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Chun-mao North Hua An Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
XIA Ke-xiang North Hua An Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU Hai-yan North Hua An Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
LU Feng-sheng North Hua An Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHAO Guang-jun North Hua An Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      目的 分析某产品壳体在靶场试验中出现断裂疵病的原因,并提出预防和改进措施。方法 通过对断口进行宏微观观察、金相组织检查和化学成分分析检测、力学性能试验、验证试验及强度计算等,初步确定了壳体断裂性质和原因。结果 对改进结构的壳体进行了结构强度的验证试验,经对射击试验后回收的壳体进行拆分检测,原发生断裂现象的位置无破坏、裂纹现象,变形量满足产品图定要求,改进结构的壳体结构强度满足要求。结论 通过验证试验再次确定了断裂原因:壳体密封圈槽处壁厚差超差;壳体材质C元素含量偏高,材料的脆性较大;断口处材料偏析严重;结构设计强度裕度不足。根据壳体断裂原因,提出了相应的预防措施。
      The paper aims to analyze the causes of the fracture defects of a product shell in the range test, and put forward preventive and improvement measures. The fracture properties and reasons of the shell were preliminarily determined by fracture macro, microscopic observation, metallographic examination and chemical composition analysis, mechanical properties test, verification test and strength calculation. Structural strength test was carried out on the shell of the improved structure. After the shell was split and tested after the firing test, the original fracture phenomenon was not destroyed and no crack was found. The deformation amount met the requirement of the product map, and the strength of the improved structure also met the corresponding requirement. Through the test, the reason of the fracture is confirmed again: the wall thickness difference of the shell sealing ring is too bad; the C element content of the shell material is high; the brittleness of the material is large; the material segregation at the fracture surface is serious and the intensity of the structure design is insufficient. According to the cause of shell fracture, corresponding preventive measures are put forward.
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