Forming Simulation and Die Design of Transport Support Plate
Received:January 13, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2019
中文关键词: 钣金成形  双动翻边模具  FLC分析
英文关键词: sheet metal forming  double-action flanging die  FLC analysis
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Yan-yan Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
LI Yu Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
CHEN Xi Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
ZENG Xiang-dong Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
Hits: 3947
Download times: 2930
      目的 运输支板的曲线边较长,在钣金翻边过程中易开裂,为提高模具设计的合理性,避免重复试模、返修以及设计失败的风险,开展有限元仿真研究。方法 使用仿真软件Pam-Stamp,并与模具实物、产品试验件相结合,确定单动压边、双动压边翻边两次成形工艺,并优化参数、设计新模具。结果 新设计的模具经过产品试验件生产,无开裂问题,目前已用于正式产品生产。结论 仿真结果的成形趋势与实际生产基本符合。在选择工艺、工装设计方案时,仿真结果具有较高的参考 价值。
      The curved edge of the transport support plate is long, and it is easy to crack in sheet metal flanging. To improve the rationality of die design and avoid the risk of repeated die testing, repairing and design failure, finite element simulation research was carried out. The simulation software Pam-Stamp was used in combination with the die and sample to determine the two forming processes of single-action blank holder and double-action blank holder, optimize the parameters were and design new die. The newly designed die has been manufactured by sample without cracking, and has been used in the production of formal products. The simulation results are in good agreement with the actual production. The simulation results have high reference value in selecting process and tooling design.
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