High Temperature Bonding Process of SA508-4 Steel Inner Closed Crack Defect
Received:February 15, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2019
中文关键词: SA508-3  闭合性裂纹  焊合  再结晶
英文关键词: SA508-3  closed crack defect  bonding  recrystallization
Author NameAffiliation
YUE Tai-wen Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Chengdu 610021, China 
MEN Zheng-xing Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Chengdu 610021, China 
MA Ya-xin Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Chengdu 610021, China 
TANG Yue Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Chengdu 610021, China 
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      目的 针对钢中存在闭合性内部裂纹的问题,研究闭合性裂纹缺陷的修复方法。方法 采用实验及数字模拟分析方法,研究了SA508-3钢闭合性裂纹缺陷在高温小塑性变形下的焊合过程。结果 SA508-3钢在奥氏体相区的高温小塑性变形焊合是以薄膜破裂-再结晶-扩散的方式进行,在变形量为5%的情况下,实验温度为1000 ℃以上时,试样基本焊合,实验温度低于950 ℃以下时,试样未焊合。结论 采用数字模拟表明,在不同温度下,焊缝区域等效应变不随温度变化而变化,而等效应力的变化与材料的峰值应力相关。
      The paper aims to solve inner closed crack defect in steel and study methods for repairing inner closed crack defects. The bonding process of SA508-4 steel inner closed crack defect at high temperature with small plastic deformation was researched through experimental and numerical simulation methods. Experimental results showed that the small plastic deformation of SA508-4 steel under high temperature occurred through film crack, recrystallization and spread. The closed crack of SA508-3 steel achieved bonding under temperature ≥1000 ℃, deformation ≥5%, but the lack of bonding was existed under temperature ≤950 ℃. Numerical simulation shows that the equivalent strain in bonding area does not change with temperature, whereas the change of equivalent strain is related to metal’s peak stress.
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