Forging Forming Process Improvement of Railway Shock Absorber Base
Received:February 15, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2019
中文关键词: 减震器座  锻造  一模两件
英文关键词: absorber base  forging  two pieces in one module
Author NameAffiliation
CAO Qian 1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
CHEN Wen-lin 1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
ZHOU Yong-feng 2. Anhui Jinzhengda Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Quanjiao 239500, China 
ZHOU Yang 2. Anhui Jinzhengda Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Quanjiao 239500, China 
SHEN Zhi-yong 2. Anhui Jinzhengda Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Quanjiao 239500, China 
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      目的 针对原有锻造工艺在终锻时易出现折叠和材料利用率较低的问题,改进锻造成形工艺,消除缺陷并提高材料利用率。方法 以某型号轨道交通用减震器座为研究对象,对减震器座进行工艺分析、计算和有限元模拟。在原有工艺上增加拍扁工步,并设计了两种一模两件式的锻造工艺。对改进后的工艺方案进行有限元数值模拟,对比两种方案的金属流动、载荷、应力应变的分布情况。结果 改进后的成形方案在避免折叠缺陷的前提下,材料利用率分别从70%提高到82%和86%。结论 锻件型腔非对称放置时,载荷较低,速度更均匀,整体等效应变较小,有利于模具寿命。一模两件锻造的方式虽然增加了设备吨位,但是改善了金属流动,避免了汇流、折叠的缺陷,提高材料利用率和生产率,对于类似形状锻件的锻造工艺开发具有指导作用。
      In allusion to issues of folding and low material utilization of existing forging process, the paper aims to improve forging forming process based on researching a certain model of railway shock absorber base. Process analysis, calculation and finite element simulation were carried out on the shock absorber base, the preforming process and two forging process of two pieces in one module were designed. Numerical simulation of finite element was carried out on the improved process programs. Metal flow, load and equivalent strain distribution was obtained. On the premise of avoiding folding defect, the new forging process improved the material utilization rate from 70% to 82% and 86%. When the cavities are place asymmetrically, the forging load and equivalent strain is low, the metal flow is uniform and these are beneficial for mold. Although the forging process of two pieces in one module increases the forging load, it avoids folding, improves material utilization and productivity. It is guiding to development of forging process for forgings of similar shapes.
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