Forming Process Based on High Throughput Calculation
Received:March 04, 2019  Revised:March 10, 2019
中文关键词: 材料基因组计划  高通量计算  高通量实验  COMSOL软件  凝固模拟  力学挤压
英文关键词: materials genome project  high throughput computing  high throughput experiment  COMSOL software  solidification simulation  mechanical extrusion
Author NameAffiliation
CHO Po-chen National Center of Novel Materials for International Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 
LI Pei-jie National Center of Novel Materials for International Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 
SONG Li-bo National Center of Novel Materials for International Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 
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      目的 介绍一种来自材料基因组计划的方法,由高通量计算、高通量实验与数据管理构成,并以45#钢为例,介绍高通量计算与高通量实验的优势。方法 先以模拟软件与理论结合,预测研发方向,再设计合适高通量的实验方案,最后将所得数据建立数据库,方便管理。以45#大型钢铸锭为例,以COMSOL软件模拟3种不同钢锭成形过程,设计实验方案,记录过程参数,并记录于数据库中。结果 COMSOL软件在高通量计算中扮演重要角色,其强大的耦合功能让模拟精度更高,各项参数也较为准确。透过模拟得知,约2.9 h后,20 t钢锭凝固厚度最厚达约500 mm,此时将中间液芯挤出,可减少划痕等缺陷的产生,并将凝固过程的缺陷挤出。结论 材料基因组计划在材料研发的进程中能起到较大的指导作用,因此在国家支持下国内已有多个项目开展,将此研究方法用于传统浇铸工业的步骤中具有一定的推广价值。
      This paper aims to present an approach from the materials genome project, which is composed of high-throughput computing, high-throughput experiment and data management, and to introduce the advantages of high-throughput computing and high-throughput experiment with 45# steel as an example. First, simulation software and theory were combined to predict the direction and plan of research and development (high-throughput computing); then, suitable high-throughput experiment scheme were designed; finally, a database was established with the data obtained to be convenient for management. With 45# steel as an example, COMSOL software was used to simulate three different ingot forming processes. This subject designed the experiment plan and recorded the process parameters in the database. COMSOL software played an important role in high-throughput computing. Its powerful coupling function enabled higher simulation accuracy and more accurate parameter. Through the simulation, it was known that after about 2.9 h, the maximum solidification thickness of 20 t ingot is about 500 mm. At this time, extruding the intermediate liquid core could reduce scratches and other defects, and extrude the defects in the solidification process. As the material genome project plays a significant guiding role in the process of material research and development, there have been a number of projects in China under the support of the state. Therefore, it is of great value to popularize this research method in the traditional casting industry.
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