Hot Stamping Process of Rear Bumper from a Certain Car Model
Received:November 07, 2018  Revised:January 10, 2019
中文关键词: 防撞梁  热冲压  成形性  性能检测
英文关键词: bumper  hot stamping  formability  performance test
Author NameAffiliation
XIE Huan-yang 1. Shanghai Superior Die Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201209, China
2. Shanghai Engineer Research Center of Advanced Automotive Body Manufacturing, Shanghai 201209, China 
MA Zhi-jun 1. Shanghai Superior Die Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201209, China
2. Shanghai Engineer Research Center of Advanced Automotive Body Manufacturing, Shanghai 201209, China 
MAO Qing-wei 1. Shanghai Superior Die Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201209, China
2. Shanghai Engineer Research Center of Advanced Automotive Body Manufacturing, Shanghai 201209, China 
QI Yan 1. Shanghai Superior Die Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201209, China
2. Shanghai Engineer Research Center of Advanced Automotive Body Manufacturing, Shanghai 201209, China 
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      目的 研究复杂热成形零件——后防撞梁的热冲压成形工艺。方法 通过计算机成形仿真分析防撞梁的成形性,并获得零件的减薄率分布;利用根据仿真过程设计的热成形模具进行防撞梁零件热冲压生产,对实际成形后的零件割样进行性能检测,包括拉伸性能测试、金相组织测试和硬度测试,验证零件的性能。结果 利用该工艺生产的零件尺寸稳定且性能良好,最大减薄率为14.9%,最大增厚9.7%;断后伸长率≥5%,镀层厚度为30~50 μm,芯部组织为完全马氏体,硬度大于HV400。结论 仿真技术能够指导热冲压工艺设计和模具设计,为复杂零件的热冲压工艺及模具设计提供参考。
      The paper aims to investigate the forming process of complicated hot stamping parts such as rear bumper. The forming property was analyzed by computer forming simulation. The thinning distribution was obtained. With the hot stamping die designed by referring forming simulation, the rear bumper was produced. Then, tensile samples, metallographic samples and hardness samples were cut from the formed part. Corresponding tests including tensile test, metallographic test and hardness test were carried out. The results show that with the process provided by this paper, the hot stamped parts with dimensional stability and good performance were obtained. The maximum thinning and thickening value were 14.9% and 9.7% respectively. The fracture elongation was ≥ 5%. The coating thickness was 30~50 μm. The inside microstructure was full of martensite. The hard-ness value was above HV400. The simulation technique could guide the design of hot stamping process and die and provide ref-erence for both process and die design of complicated hot stamping parts.
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