Current Status of Rolling Forming Machine for Complex Profile
Received:November 30, 2018  Revised:January 10, 2019
中文关键词: 回转成形  滚轧机  螺纹  花键  丝杠  齿轮
英文关键词: rotary metalworking  rolling machine  thread  spline  screw  gear
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Da-wei 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
ZHAO Sheng-dun 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
WANG Li-min 2. Shandong Qingdao Shengjian Machinery Factory, Qingdao 266106, China 
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      Compared with the traditional machining, the shaft parts formed by complex profile rolling process have increased strength and good surface quality with short time of manufacture and high utilization of material. However, there are many types of complex profile rolling processes, and motion in the process is more complex. The structure and motion of rolling machine for different rolling processes are also different. Thus, the types and derived branches of complex profile rolling process were analyzed at first. Then the structure, principle and motion characteristic of rolling machines for rolling with flat dies, rolling with round dies and axial-pushed rolling with active rotation were illuminated. The recent advances in different types of rolling machines were stated. The typical rolling machines for different rolling types were introduced. Then it is presented that the developmental trend of rolling machine for complex profile rolling process is servo; and coupling with vibration or warm forming is an approach to provide precision rolling of complex profile used high-strength material.
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