Research and Application of Laser Technology in the Manufacture of Filter Framework
Received:September 15, 2018  Revised:November 10, 2018
中文关键词: 过滤器壳体  激光切割  激光焊接
英文关键词: filter framework  laser cutting  laser welding
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Yan-yan Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
LI Yu Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
QIN Li-yun Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
ZHANG Yan-qiao Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
ZENG Xiang-dong Xi'an Aerospace Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China 
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      目的 研究火箭发动机关键部件过滤器壳体的改良加工方案,以替代传统的化学铣切、手工氩弧焊等工艺,提高产品尺寸精度和生产效率。方法 改良加工方案采用激光切割、激光焊接等技术,利用激光切割精度高、成形快的优点,实现镂空区域的一次成形,避免化铣周期长、易于产生飞边且打磨困难的问题;利用激光焊接热输入量低、焊接变形少的特点,使镂空状态下单边宽度3.5 mm的筋条焊接成为可能。结果 通过设置合理的工艺参数,可以有效保证产品尺寸精度并控制焊接变形,提高生产效率。结论 使用该工艺方法已成功制备了产品,并经过了发动机试车考核。
      This paper aims to study the improved processing scheme of filter framework, which is the key component of rocket engine, to replace the traditional chemical milling and manual argon arc welding process, and to improve the product di-mension accuracy and production efficiency. Laser cutting and laser welding technology was adopted to the improved processing scheme adopts. One-time forming of the hollow area was realized by virtue of advantages of high precision and rapid forming of laser cutting. The problems such as low productivity of chemical milling and flying edges which are difficult to be polished can be easily avoided. Single side 3.5 mm bar welding was possible because of low heat input and less welding deformation during laser welding. Setting reasonable process parameters could effectively guarantee the dimension accuracy of the product control thewelding deformation and improve the production efficiency. Now products have been successfully produced by the process, and the product quality has been fully verified by engine test.
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