Simulation Study on the Repair of Cracks in 5A90 Sheet by Current Treatment
Received:June 16, 2018  Revised:November 10, 2018
中文关键词: 5A90板材  电流  裂纹  修复  模拟
英文关键词: 5A90 sheet  current  crack  repairing  simulation
Author NameAffiliation
LAI Xiao-ming 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
WANG Guo-feng 2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
ZHANG Yu-liang 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
WANG Bo 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
GU Yi-bin 2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
YI Zhuo-xun 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
WANG Shao-hua 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
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      目的 探索进一步提升5A90板材塑性成形能力的有效途径。方法 从板材内部裂纹修复的角度出发,针对脉冲电流处理技术在5A90板材上的应用进行研究。采用数值模拟的方法对脉冲电流在板材裂纹处的作用进行分析,通过计算带裂纹板材通电后其内部电流场、温度场、应力场与位移场来模拟脉冲电流对材料内部裂纹的修复机制,并采用试验件对温度场的计算结果进行初步验证。结果 脉冲电流处理对板材内部裂纹具有一定程度的修复作用,并且可以阻碍裂纹的进一步扩展。结论 脉冲电流处理可以有效减少5A90板材的内部缺陷,并提高其塑性成形能力。
      The paper aims to explore an effective way to improve the plastic forming ability of 5A90 plates. The application of pulse current processing technology on 5A90 sheets was studied from the perspective of internal cracks repairing in this paper. The effect of the pulse current on the plate crack was analyzed by numerical simulation. The internal current field, temperature field, stress field and displacement field of the cracked plate were calculated to simulate the repairing effect of pulse current on the internal cracks. The pieces were used to verify the calculation of the temperature field. The results show that the pulse current treatment had a certain degree of repairing effect of internal cracks, and it could prevent further propagation of the cracks. Therefore, pulse current treatment can effectively reduce the internal defects of 5A90 sheet metal and improve its plastic forming ability.
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