Casting Process Design around Aluminum Casting of Toppling Frame and Its Simulated Optimization
Received:May 30, 2018  Revised:November 10, 2018
中文关键词: 上倾倒框  铸铝件  计算机模拟  方案优化
英文关键词: toppling frame  aluminum casting  computer simulation  plan optimization
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Jia-cheng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
QU Yuan-zhe School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
SHEN Chu-lun School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
YANG Yi-tao School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
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      目的 消除ZL114A铝合金上倾倒框铸件的铸造缺陷,获得优质铸件,对该铸件的铸造工艺进行优化设计。方法 使用Unigraphics NX软件进行三维建模,利用ADSTEFAN软件对铸造过程进行模拟。对模拟的充型过程、凝固过程及相关缺陷进行分析。结果 将铸件倒放不利于实现铸件顺序凝固,4个顶冒口的补缩效果不理想,故调整了浇注系统的位置及比例、冒口的位置及大小。最终选取了正放底注式的浇注系统,双侧冒口与单个顶冒口的补缩系统,可获得理想的充型及凝固顺序,有望基本消除铸造缺陷。结论 所采用的计算机模拟方法可以为铸造工艺设计及优化提供指导,为尽可能减少铸造缺陷,保证铸件质量和工艺性奠定了良好的技术基础。
      The paper aims to eliminate the casting flaw of ZL114 aluminum alloy casting of toppling frame, get casting of high quality, and have optimization design on casting process. The modeling was designed with Unigraphics NX. The simulation was made with ADSTEFAN. The filling process, solidification process and some related defects were analyzed. It was not good for the casting sequential solidification if the casting was placed inverted and the effect of four top risers was not ideal. Thus, the location and the scale of the pouring system and the raise were adjusted. Finally a gating system using bottom pouring mode and a system of risers with a pair of side risers and a single top riser were selected, with which the ideal filling and solidification sequence were obtained and the defects in casting were expected to be basically eliminated. The computer simulation method used in this research could provide guidance for casting process design and optimization and it could also lay a good foundation for technology on reducing the defects as much as possible and guaranteeing casting quality and manufacturability.
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