Experimental Research on Laser Induced Precision Forming of U-shaped High-stiffener Integral Panel
Received:June 16, 2018  Revised:November 10, 2018
中文关键词: 激光诱导  U形高筋壁板  高精密成形
英文关键词: laser induced  U-shaped high-stiffener integral panel  high precision forming
Author NameAffiliation
LI Cai-ling 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
LAI Xiao-ming 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
WANG Bo 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
ZHANG Yu-liang 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
CUI Chao 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
SHEN Xiao-yu 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
WANG Shao-hua 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Co., Ltd., Beijing 100194, China 
FU Shou-chong 2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
WANG Wei 2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
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      目的 提高U形高筋整体壁板激光诱导成形精度。方法 根据U形高筋整体壁板特点,首先初步确定成形扫描策略,然后采用几何分析方法计算不同扫描位置成形后的理论变形量,并根据理论变形量对扫描策略和成形工艺参数进行优化。随后开展试验研究。同时利用在线可视化测量手段,对U形高筋壁板的变形量进行测量。结果 扫描道次数和激光器功率大小对U形高筋整体壁板成形精度影响很大,随着扫描次数和激光器功率的增加,变形量随之增大。结论 成形后板材的尺寸误差不大于0.4%,实现了U形高筋整体壁板的高精密成形。
      The paper aims to improve the laser-induced forming accuracy of U-shaped high-stiffener integral panel. According to characteristics of U-shaped high-stiffener integral panel, the forming scanning strategy was firstly determined, and then the geometric deformation analysis was carried out to calculate the theoretical deformation after forming in different scanning positions. And according to the theoretical deformation, the scanning strategy and forming process parameters were optimized. Experimental research was carried out. With the use of online visual measurement methods, deformation of the U-shaped high-stiffener integral panel was measured. Through experimental research, it was found that the scanning channel number and the laser power had a great influence on the forming accuracy of the U-shaped high-stiffener integral panel. The deformation increased with the increase of scanning number and laser power. The dimensional error of the formed sheet is not more than 0.4%, which enables high-precision forming of U-shaped high-stiffener integral panel.
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