Effects of Heat Treatment on Performance of 34CrNiMo6 Steel
Received:October 09, 2018  Revised:November 10, 2018
中文关键词: 热处理  结构钢  组织  性能  工艺
英文关键词: heat treatment  structural steel  microstructure  performance  technology
Author NameAffiliation
HOU Zheng-liang 1. Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
WANG Zhu-fei 1. Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
ZHANG Xue-dong 1. Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
GUO Ju-shou 1. Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
KANG Feng 2. Southwest Technology and Engineering Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
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      目的 提高34CrNiMo6钢构件抗拉强度、屈服强度以及伸长率的匹配程度,进而提高合金的冲击韧性和疲劳性能。方法 通过热处理试验,研究不同工艺对材料组织和性能的影响。采用预先热处理(正火+高温回火)→调质热处理(淬火+回火)的工艺,研究不同淬火和回火温度对试样组织及力学性能的影响。结果 随着淬火温度的升高,试样的强度有所增加,伸长率差别不大,在淬火温度为900 ℃时冲击韧性有所下降。随着回火温度的升高,强度明显降低,但伸长率逐渐升高,冲击韧性则稍有提升。结论 通过试验确定了材料的热处理工艺:850 ℃淬火+580 ℃回火。在该调质工艺下,材料的强度和塑性得到了合理的匹配。
      The paper aims to improve the matching of tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of 34CrNiMo6 steel, and improve the impact toughness and fatigue properties of alloy. Heat treatment test was carried out to research effects of different processes on microstructure and mechanical properties of samples. Pre-heat treatment (normalizing and high-temperature tempering) + quenched-tempered heat treatment (hardening and tempering) were used to study effects of different quenching and tempering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of samples. With the increase of quenching temperature, the strength of the sample increased, but there was little difference in the variation of elongation. The impact toughness decreased at 900 ℃. As the tempering temperature risen, the strength decreased obviously, but the elongation increased gradually and the impact toughness increased slightly. Through the test, the heat treatment process of materials was determined to be quenched at 850 ℃ and tempered at 580 ℃. With this tempering process, the strength and plasticity of the material were properly matched.
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