Numerical Simulation on Deformation of Titanium Investment Casting
Received:March 26, 2018  Revised:May 10, 2018
中文关键词: 数值模拟  钛合金  铸造变形  ProCAST
英文关键词: numerical simulation  Ti-Alloy  deformation of casting  ProCAST
Author NameAffiliation
CUI Xin-peng 1. AECC Beijing Engineering Research Center of Advanced Precise Forming of Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China
2. Baimtec Material Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
SUN Zhi-yu AECC Beijing Engineering Research Center of Advanced Precise Forming of Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
LI Feng AECC Beijing Engineering Research Center of Advanced Precise Forming of Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
LI Jian-chong AECC Beijing Engineering Research Center of Advanced Precise Forming of Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
NAN Hai AECC Beijing Engineering Research Center of Advanced Precise Forming of Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China 
ZHOU Qian 1. AECC Beijing Engineering Research Center of Advanced Precise Forming of Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China
2. Baimtec Material Co., Ltd., Beijing 100094, China 
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      目的 基于ProCAST,建立钛合金铸件铸造变形的模拟预测方法。方法 以某板状钛合金铸件为例,模拟了充型凝固、型壳内冷却和脱壳后冷却3个过程,并分别对各过程进行了相应假设和参数设置。为验证模拟结果,根据模拟模型设计了浇注验证实验。结果 铸件中间部位向外侧凸起,加强筋部位向内侧凹陷,和实验结果基本一致,变形量预测吻合度在60%~72%之间。结论 通过合理设置模拟流程和材料参数模型,数值模拟可以预测钛合金铸件的变形规律,并为变形量预测提供重要参考。
      The paper aims to build methods for simulation and prediction of casting deformation of Ti-alloy castings based on ProCAST. A plate shaped part was studied. The simulations of pouring, solidification, cooling inside the shell and cooling after removing the shell with the proper hypothesis and parameters were carried out successively. Confirmatory experiment of casting was designed according to the simulation model to verify the simulation result. The middle part of the casting was raised while the parts near the ribs were sunk. A good conformance in deformation trend was found between the simulation and the experiment. The accuracy rate of the deformation quantity was 60%~72%. Reasonable setting of simulation procedures and parametric model of materials could predict deformation rules for titanium alloy castings in numerical simulation and provide important reference for prediction of deformation.
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