Changes of Mechanical Properties of A356.2 Aluminum Alloy Casting Flow-form Wheel Inner Flange after Coating
Received:December 27, 2017  Revised:March 10, 2018
中文关键词: A356.2铝合金  车轮  内轮缘  涂装  力学性能
英文关键词: A356.2 aluminum alloy  wheel  inner flange  coating  mechanical properties
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Ying-feng CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao 066011, China 
LI Zhi-guang CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao 066011, China 
LIU Hong-lei CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao 066011, China 
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      目的 研究大尺寸A356.2铝合金铸旋车轮内轮缘部位经涂装烘烤后力学性能的变化,以及取样部位的厚度对性能的影响。方法 通过对热处理毛坯、热处理毛坯过喷涂烘箱、热处理毛坯机加工后过喷涂烘箱A356.2铝合金铸旋车轮内轮缘部位力学性能进行对比分析。结果 分析表明,热处理毛坯经涂装烘箱烘烤后内轮缘部力学性能会发生变化,强度会有所提高,伸长率会有所下降;内轮缘部位力学性能变化幅度会受轮型状态或结构的影响,轮型内轮缘较薄、重量较小的轮子强度提高幅度较大,但伸长率下降幅度并不十分明显。结论 涂装烘烤对T5热处理的A356.2铝合金铸旋车轮内轮缘部位性能有影响;同时,内轮缘厚度、轮子重量对性能的变化也有影响。
      This paper aims to research changes of mechanical properties of A356.2 aluminum alloy wheel inner flange after coating and baking and effects of thickness of sampled position on properties. The mechanical properties of inner flanges of A356.2 aluminum alloy casting flow-form wheels were analyzed after coating and baking followed by heat treatment of blank, heat treatment, coating and baking of blank and processing of black after heat treatment. The analysis showed that mechanical properties of HT wheel inner flange changed after coating and baking; the strength was increased, the elongation was reduced to some extent; mechanical properties of wheel inner flange change were affected by wheel type or structure; strength of thin inner flange or light weight increased significantly, but the elongation rate was not very clear. Coating and baking affect properties of A356.2 aluminum alloy casting flow-form wheel inner flange; meanwhile, thickness of inner flange and weight of wheel also affect change of property.
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