Hydroforming Process of Tubular Variable Cross Section Automotive Torsion Beam
Received:January 17, 2018  Revised:March 10, 2018
中文关键词: 管状变截面扭力梁  有限元  预成形  内高压成形  合模通压
英文关键词: tubular variable cross section torsion beam  finite element  preforming  high pressure forming  pressure supply in die assembly
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Xiao-feng An Hui JAC-ASSET Bodywork Equipment Co., Ltd., Hefei 230093, China 
HU Yong Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
YI Cheng-ke Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
WANG Zhe Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
XUE Ke-min Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 研究管状变截面汽车扭力梁内高压成形过程及其成形质量的关键影响因素。方法 采用数值模拟和试验相结合的方法,重点研究了预成形件形状、内压力通入时机和初始压力值对扭力梁内高压成形的影响。结果 预成形件宽度过大或上模圆角处管坯壁厚过薄,将造成后续内高压合模过程中出现咬边或整形阶段发生破裂等缺陷;在内高压成形合模过程中通入适当内压,可有效避免扭力梁件出现圆弧过渡面塌陷、上下模圆角过度减薄等缺陷。结论 当预成形模具V面下模引导角а介于60°~70°之间、T面下模引导角β介于65°~75°之间时,可以取得较理想的预成形效果;合模过程中即通入32 MPa内压,此时所得扭力梁实体件外观无明显缺陷,成形精度较高。
      The paper aims to study key influencing factors of high-pressure forming process and forming quality of tubular cross-section automobile torsion beam. A numerical simulation and experiment was combined to study influences of preform shape, timing of initial pressure and initial pressure on high-pressure beam forming of torsion beam. If the width of the preform is too large or the wall thickness of the tube is too thin, defects such as undercut or plastic deformation would occur during the subsequent high-pressure clamping. Proper inner pressure in the die assembly of inner high-pressure forming could effectively avoid torsion beam member arc transition surface collapse, the upper and lower mold fillet excessive thinning and other defects. When the die angle α was between 60~70 and the guide angle β of the die on the T surface was between 65°~75°, the ideal preforming effect could be obtained. If 32 MPa of inner pressure is supplied in die assembly, the torsion beam entity at this time has no apparent appearance of physical defects, forming a higher precision.
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