Performance and Surface Treatment of Al-Si Alloy Structures Formed by Three-dimensional Printing
Received:December 15, 2017  Revised:March 10, 2018
中文关键词: AlSi10Mg  三维打印成型  表面导电氧化处理
英文关键词: AlSi10Mg  three-dimensional printing  treatment of surface conductive oxidation
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhe School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China 
NIU Chen-xu Beijing Institute of Remote-Sense Equipment, Beijing 100854, China 
LIU Juan Beijing Institute of Remote-Sense Equipment, Beijing 100854, China 
WEI Min-he Beijing Institute of Remote-Sense Equipment, Beijing 100854, China 
CHENG Jun-mei Beijing Institute of Remote-Sense Equipment, Beijing 100854, China 
HUANG Lu-yang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China 
LI Yu-jie School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China 
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      目的 研究三维打印成型铝硅合金制件的性能及表面导电氧化处理后的表面质量与形貌。方法 采用激光选区熔化技术打印AlSi10Mg制件,分别测量其成分、密度和抗拉强度,将其性能与铸铝104块体材料进行比较;并对打印成型的AlSi10Mg制件进行表面导电氧化处理,测试分析处理前后的表面粗糙度和表面形貌,对比平面和弧面打印样品的表面质量。结果 三维打印的AlSi10Mg制件密度略小于铸铝104体材料,抗拉强度则较高,达到440 MPa。经过表面导电氧化处理之后,在钝化层中产生裂纹。弧面样品的表面粗糙度较大,为2~5 μm,表面裂纹的宽度和分布都不均匀;平面样品的表面粗糙度较小为1~2 μm,裂纹宽度在800 nm~1 μm,分布均匀,形成尺寸为1~2 μm且均匀分布的岛状结构。结论 三维打印AlSi10Mg制件强度高,可以作为承载力的结构件,并且通过对其进行表面处理,获得了具有潜在应用价值的表面微纳结构。
      The paper aims to research properties of structures formed by three-dimensional printing as well as surface qual¬ity and morphology after conductive oxidation treatment of surface. AlSi10Mg structures were printed by the selective laser melting technique. Their concentrations, densities, and tensile strengths were measured in comparison with those of cast Al 104 bulk materials. Surface of the printed samples were treated to form conductive oxide layers. Roughness and morphology of pla¬nar and curved surfaces before and after the surface oxidation treatment were tested and compared. The density of the printed AlSi10Mg structures was slightly less than that of the bulk material cast Al 104. The tensile strength of the printed samples was 440 MPa, higher than that of its bulk counterpart. After surface oxidation treatment, cracks were generated in the passivation layer. Roughness of the curved surfaces was rather large. It was as large as 2~5 μm. Wide and narrow cracks distributed non-uniformly on the curved surfaces. Roughness of the planar surfaces was relatively small, only 1~2 μm. The width of the cracks was 800 nm~1 μm. Island structures with sizes of 1~2 μm were formed and uniformly distributed in the oxide layers on the planar surfaces. AlSi10Mg structures formed by three-dimensional printing have high strength and can be used for construc¬tive purposes. After the surface oxidation treatment, micro- and nano- surface structures with potential applications were formed.
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