Arduino-based Integrated Additive Manufacturing System Interconnect Circuits
Received:December 15, 2017  Revised:March 10, 2018
中文关键词: 增材制造  互联电路  Arduino  一体化集成装置
英文关键词: additive manufacturing  interconnect circuit  Arduino  integrated installation
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Shu-jie 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology at Rongcheng, Rongcheng 264300, China 
LIU Chang-lin Department of Electrical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology at Rongcheng, Rongcheng 264300, China 
ZHAO Yun-tong Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology at Rongcheng, Rongcheng 264300, China 
ZHANG Peng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China 
LI Yu-jie School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China 
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      目的 针对金属电路尤其是易氧化的金属电路,设计并实现一种基于Arduino的互联电路一体化增材制造系统,完成系统软硬件的设计开发。方法 该系统集成了原位成形、原位烧结、原位加热、原位辐照还原和原位气体保护装置,可以使互联电路的成形、烧结和改性一步完成,实现互联电路的一体化制造。通过搭建样机,并根据被打印金属材料的特性调试相应的打印参数,最终制备出实际互联电路。结果 互连电路的最小线宽约为1 mm,线宽均匀性好,无桥连;直角位置垂直度较好且没有发生变形;所得电路结构致密,未出现空洞等缺陷。结论 经测试,采用自制纳米铜导电墨水制备、未经管式炉烧结的电路,其电阻率小于200 μΩ•cm,导电性良好,表面有金属光泽;采用市售纳米银浆制备的导电线路在膜厚小于30 μm时,方块电阻小于5 mΩ/□。
      The paper aims to design an integrated additive manufacturing system based on Arduino and complete design and development of software and hardware for system in allusion to electrical circuit made by metal, especially those easily oxidized. The system integrated site forming, situ sintering, situ heating, situ irradiation reduction, and gas protection to complete forming, sintering and modification of the interconnect circuit in a single step. A prototype was built and applied. Corresponding printing parameters were adjusted according to the characteristics of the printed metal materials. And the actual interconnect circuit was prepared finally. Width of the printed circuits was as small as 1 mm and had good uniformity. No bridging parts were found. At right angle positions, deformation-free wires showed high squareness without deformation. The printed circuits were compact. No defects like holes were found. As-printed interconnects made by home-made nano-copper conductive ink are highly conductive and show metallic luster without being sintered separately in an oven. The conductivity measured is less than 200 μΩ•cm. The electrical conductivity is good and there is metallic lustre on the surface. As-printed interconnects made by marketable nano-Ag paste without a separate sintering process has a square resistance of smaller than 5 mΩ/□ as long as the interconnect wires were thinner than 30 μm.
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