Finite Element Study on Cold Extrusion Process with Chattering
Received:September 29, 2017  Revised:November 10, 2017
中文关键词: 颤振  冷挤压  有限元方法  反挤压
英文关键词: chattering  cold extrusion  finite element method  backward extrusion process
Author NameAffiliation
HU Xin-hua Jinhua Polytechnic, Jinhua 321017, China 
YU Dong-li Jinhua Polytechnic, Jinhua 321017, China 
YANG Qing-hua Key Laboratory of E & M, Ministry of Education & Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China 
WANG Zhi-heng Key Laboratory of E & M, Ministry of Education & Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China 
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      目的 针对“难成形零件”提出的电液颤振挤压成形技术,理论研究颤振对冷挤压成形的影响规律。方法 通过离散化处理颤振速度,对挤压筒和顶杆分别施加颤振激励,利用DEFORM-3D软件有限元模拟,分析比较不同颤振激励下的行程载荷、摩擦力、速度场和应力应变场。结果 在挤压成形过程中,材料流动规律会由于颤振激励的存在而发生改变,在局部区域,材料流动速度较传统挤压时有较大提高;当颤振最大速度小于挤压速度时,颤振对挤压力、摩擦力、等效应力和等效应变的影响并不显著,当颤振最大速度大于挤压速度时,颤振可降低挤压力与摩擦力,改变等效应力和应变分布,但并不影响最大等效应力值。结论 颤振激励影响材料流动规律,对挤压力、摩擦力和应力应变场的影响存在一个拐点,为电液颤振冷挤压成形技术的推广应用提供了一定理论依据。
      The paper aims to study effects of chattering on the cold extrusion process based on electro-hydraulic chattering assisted extrusion forming technology. The extrusion container and push rod were applied with chattering by discretization of chattering speed. Deform-3D was employed to analyze the stroke load, friction force, velocity field and stress strain field under different chattering conditions. The rule of material flow changed with the existence of chattering. In local area, the speed of material flow was improved greatly than that of conventional extrusion. When the maximum chattering speed was less than the extrusion speed, chattering had little effect on extrusion load, friction force, equivalent stress and equivalent strain. When the maximum chattering speed was larger than the extrusion speed, chattering might reduce extrusion load and friction force and thus change distribution of equivalent stress and strain. But the maximum equivalent stress would not be affected. The chattering superimposed on the die influences the material flow. An infection point is observed in the effects of chattering on the extrusion load, friction force, stress field and strain field. It provides certain theoretical foundation on popularization and application of electro-hydraulic chattering assisted cold extrusion process.
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