Forging Technology and Numerical Simulation of Distribution Cabinet Connector
Received:September 22, 2017  Revised:November 10, 2017
中文关键词: 连接器  分型线  锁扣  折叠  有限元模拟
英文关键词: connector  parting line  locker  folding  finite element simulation
Author NameAffiliation
SHAO Chao Kunshan Huizhong Machine Co., Ltd., Kunshan 215331, China 
QIU Jian-xin Kunshan Huizhong Machine Co., Ltd., Kunshan 215331, China 
HU Xiao-feng School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China 
WANG Lei-gang School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China 
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      目的 研究曲面分模工艺在配电柜连接器成形中的可行性。方法 针对配电柜连接器结构有高筋的特点,设计出一套曲面分模工艺方案。同时根据其合模过程中出现的错位现象,设计出一套带有锁扣装置的模具。另外通过增加坯料长度和圆角,解决实际生产中出现的折叠缺陷。最后通过有限元模拟软件DEFORM-3D,模拟了成形过程,获得成形过程的金属流动情况、等效应变分布以及成形载荷变化情况,并根据模拟结果进行了生产试验。结果 通过模拟结果及工艺试验结果显示,该零件的两侧高筋可以成形完全,同时未出现折叠等缺陷。结论 验证了曲面分模工艺在配电柜连接器成形中的可行性。
      The paper aims to study the feasibility of curved surface parting technology in the forming of distribution cabinet connector. A set of process method for parting curved surface was designed based on high tendons of distribution cabinet connector. Meanwhile, a set of die with locker was designed according to the dislocation phenomenon in die assembly. In addition, folding defects in actual production were solved by increasing blank length and fillet. At last, the forming process was simulated with the finite element simulation software DEFORM-3D and flow of metal, equivalent strain distribution and forming load changes were obtained. In addition, the production test was carried out according to the simulation results. Both of the simulated results and industrial test showed that high tendons on both sides of the component could be formed completely, and there were no folding defects. The feasibility of surface parting process in connector forming of power distribution cabinet is verified.
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