Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Stamping Process of Metallic Bipolar Plate for PEMFC
Received:September 29, 2017  Revised:November 10, 2017
中文关键词: 质子交换膜燃料电池  金属双极板  冲压成形  数值模拟
英文关键词: PEMFC  metal bipolar plate  stamping forming  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Li-li School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
WANG Kai-kun School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
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      目的 研究金属双极板冲压成形过程中各工艺参数和模具结构参数对成形质量的影响。方法 采用Dynaform有限元分析软件对SS304双通道蛇形流道双极板冲压成形过程进行模拟。研究模具圆角半径、模具锥度、压边力、拉延筋等因素对双极板成形质量的影响。结果 增加模具圆角半径和模具锥度可防止双极板破裂。适当增大压边力能有效消除起皱缺陷,设置拉延筋能有效改善坯料流动情况,必要时需设置多重拉延筋使零件成形完全。当模具圆角半径为0.25 mm,模具锥度为0°,拉伸深度为0.5 mm,压边力大小为60 kN,并采用双重拉延筋的情况下,所成形的金属双极板质量良好,无破裂、起皱、成形不足等缺陷。结论 模拟结果与实验结果一致,验证了模拟结果的正确性,可见采用冲压工艺成形金属双极板是可行的。
      The work aims to study influences of process parameters and mold structure parameters on quality of metal bipolar plate during stamping forming, the stamping forming process of 304 bipolar plate with double channel serpentine flow fields was simulated by Dynaform. The effects of fillet radius, die taper, blank holder force, draw bead, etc. on the forming quality of the bipolar plate were studied. Increasing the fillet radius and mold taper could prevent the bipolar plate from cracking. Increasing the blank holder force appropriately could eliminate the wrinkle defects effectively. Provision of draw bead could improve the flow situation of billet. If necessary, more multiple draw beads might be set to make parts formed completely. With die radius of 0.25 mm, mold taper of 0°, the drawing depth of 0.5 mm, the blank holder force of 60 kN, and double drawbeads, the quality of the metal bipolar plate was good. It was free from rupture, wrinkling, lack of forming and other defects. The results of simulation and experiment are well coincident. It proves the validity of the numerical simulation. It can be seen that the use of stamping process in forming metal bipolar plate is feasible.
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