Collision Experiment and Numerical Simulation on Hat-shape Beam by Dual Phase Steel DP600
Received:September 15, 2017  Revised:November 10, 2017
中文关键词: DP钢  有限元分析  帽型梁  碰撞  烘烤效应  高速拉伸
英文关键词: dual-phase steel  finite element analysis  hat-shaped beam  collision  baking hardenability  high speed tensile
Author NameAffiliation
LI Ya 1.Central Research Institute, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Development and Application Technology of Automotive, Steel (Baosteel), Shanghai 201900, China 
CHEN Xin-ping 1.Central Research Institute, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Development and Application Technology of Automotive, Steel (Baosteel), Shanghai 201900, China 
LIAN Chang-wei 1.Central Research Institute, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Development and Application Technology of Automotive, Steel (Baosteel), Shanghai 201900, China 
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      目的 分析双相钢DP600的烘烤特性对碰撞实验的影响,以及验证修正的Johnson-Cook模型对双相钢DP600动态力学性能描述的准确性。方法 对DP600帽型薄壁梁结构试件在轴向冲击下的压溃变形模式与吸能特性进行实验研究,采用前处理软件HyperWorks和LS-Dyna求解器对DP600帽型梁轴向压溃实验进行有限元分析。结果 通过对比烘烤前后的碰撞实验结果,发现烘烤前后压溃力、位移与时间曲线吻合较好,变形结果基本一致。将实验与仿真结果进行对比分析发现,有限元模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。结论 烘烤温度为180 ℃,时间为20 min的烘烤工艺对材料特性影响不显著。验证了修正的Johnson-Cook模型能够较好地描述DP600的动态力学性能,可以应用于整车碰撞仿真中。
      In order to analyze the effect of baking hardenability of dual-phase steel DP600 on the axial crushing test and to verify the accuracy of the modified Johnson-Cook model which describes the dynamic mechanical properties of DP600 steel under different strain rates, experiments were carried out on the hat-shape beam of DP600 steel under the axial crushing to investigate its collapsing deformation mode and energy absorption characteristics. Pre-processing software HyperWorks and LS-Dyna were applied to have finite element analysis on axial crushing test of DP600 hat shaped beam. The force-time curves and displacement-time curves were consistent and the collapsing deformation modes were basically the same between unbaked and baked according to the comparison of the results of the collision test between unbaked and baked. The properties of the steel by baking of 180 ℃ and 20 min are almost unchanged. It is demonstrated that the modified Johnson-Cook model can well describe the dynamic mechanical properties of DP600 and can be applied to the simulation of the vehicle crash.
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