Springback Control of Floor Rail Member Made of AHSS QP980
Received:October 10, 2017  Revised:November 10, 2017
中文关键词: 回弹  超高强钢  仿真  回弹补偿
英文关键词: springback  advanced high strength steel  simulation  springback compensation
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Zhen-wei Central Research Institute, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200941, China 
WU Yan-jun Central Research Institute, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200941, China 
MO Yun Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., Wuhu 241009, China 
Hits: 3876
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      目的 研究采用超高强钢QP980牌号的典型汽车梁类件在使用拉延工艺时的回弹特点,分析零件结构对实际回弹的影响过程与特点。方法 先通过理论与仿真分析预测回弹,然后使用补偿后的模面开模进行试制,并搜集实际回弹数据,进行分析与对比。结果 仿真分析可以准确预测零件一侧法兰的回弹,但对于另一侧法兰的预测精度相对较差。结论 零件弯曲内侧侧壁存在局部剧烈弧形回弹是两侧法兰回弹存在差异的主要原因,而拉延序触料时与凹模圆角接触的材料部位对应弧形最大的位置,合模过程中凹模圆角与材料接触会导致料片的弧形弯曲,这种弯曲尤其在x向存在压应力的侧壁位置回弹显著,从而导致对应位置的法兰回弹尺寸超标。
      This article aims to study characteristics of springback formed in drawing of a typical car floor rail member made of steel 980QP and analyze influencing process and features of component structure on actual springback. The springback was analyzed and predicted with theory and simulation firstly. Then the die after compensation was opened to have trial production. Comparison between simulation results and actual results was done afterwards. Simulation analysis could predict springback of flange on one side of parts accurately, compared with the other side which was of poor prediction accuracy. It was caused by residual stress difference between two sides. Local severe arc springback from inner wall of parts bending is the main cause of springback difference. Sidewall curl formed at the moment when die radius touches steel and tries to restore after die opened. The sidewall curl is obvious particularly if there is press stress in direction x. As a result, the springback dimension of flange of corresponding position exceeds the standard.
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