Effects of Process Parameters on the Draught Pressure of Three-roll Cross Wedge Hollow Rolling
Received:July 19, 2017  Revised:September 10, 2017
中文关键词: 三辊楔横轧  有限元模型  正交实验法
英文关键词: three-cross wedge rolling  finite element model  orthogonal experiment method
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Wei-dong Engineering Technology Research Institute, CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao 066011, China 
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      目的 研究分析5个工艺参数对轧制力的影响规律。方法 采用Deform软件建立三辊楔横轧轧制空轧件有限元模型,并对比模拟结果和实验检测结果中轧制力的变化规律,验证模拟结果的可靠性。利用正交实验法,全面系统分析各工艺参数对轧制力的影响规律。结果 轧制温度对轧制力的影响最大,其次是轧件轧后外径,然后是轧件内径,展宽角和成形角对轧制力的影响相对较小。结论 Deform软件模拟结果和实验中提取的轧制力曲线变化趋势基本一致,说明各工艺参数对轧制力的影响规律可靠。
      The paper aims to study and analyze influence rules of the five process parameters on the draught pressure. A finite element model for three-cross wedge rolling hollow parts was established with the software Deform. Draught pressure changing rule of the simulation result and the experiment result ware compared to verify the reliability of the simulation result. Influence rules of each process parameter on the draught pressure were analyzed overall and systematically. The temperature had a great influences on the draught pressure, the outter diameter of the rolling part was on the second place, then the inner diameter of the rolling part was on the third place; finally the broadening angle and the forming angle had few influences on the draught pressure. The simulation result obtained from the software Deform is in correspondence with the draught pressure curve of the experiment, which means that the influence rules of process parameters on the draught pressure are reliable.
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